[정치][현장영상] Prime Minister Chung “Before the New Year holidays, vaccination, we need to focus on quarantine management”


The Corona 19 Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting is currently being held at the Seoul Government Complex, presided over by Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun.

Let’s listen to all the comments of Prime Minister Chung’s meeting that took place a while ago.

[정세균 / 국무총리]

New Year’s Day, the nation’s biggest holiday, is about a week ahead, and it is a week where tensions cannot be relaxed due to the unstable Corona 19 situation.

Day by day is a very important time, as this week’s infection trend will dictate whether further quarantine measures are taken.

In particular, ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays and vaccinations, we must cooperate in thorough quarantine management so that Corona 19 does not spread again.

Those who couldn’t visit their hometown last Chuseok may be more regretful, but I think that being together with the heart rather than meeting this year’s Lunar New Year is consideration and love for the family.

In celebration of this new year, it is said that people in the market say that they die when they unite and live when they are scattered.

It is understood that the people are also realizing the importance of distancing.

I sincerely request once again that all the people will actively participate in the quarantine during the Lunar New Year holidays so that the time will soon come when the current crisis can be overcome and the whole family can comfortably gather together.

Yesterday’s January price trend was announced.

The overall inflation level is stable, with an increase of 0.6% compared to the same month last year.

However, prices of agricultural and livestock products such as apples, pears, and eggs rose sharply last year due to sluggish crops and the spread of avian influenza in winter.

Ahead of the holidays, the burden of shopping cart prices is on the rise.

The Ministry of Equipment and Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is urged to take measures to stabilize the welfare of the public without a hitch, such as expanding the supply of new products.

In particular, each local government should carefully check the actual condition of the site to see if there are any disturbing behaviors in the distribution order that incite inflation.

One of the public health workers who had been working in the emergency room at Gunsan Medical Center since April of last year passed away unfortunately last week.

Although the exact cause of the death has not yet been revealed, I wish the devotion of the deceased, who has been dedicated to protecting the lives and safety of the people.

I would like to express my sincere consolation to the bereaved family.

About 2,000 public affairs doctors at quarantine sites across the country are fighting Corona 19 today.

It is said that many people suffer mentally from heavy work and fear of infection.

The quarantine authorities are encouraged to closely examine the working conditions of the public affairs doctors employed at the COVID-19 site, and carefully review any improvement measures.

Even in the cold this winter, my warm heart toward my neighbors was hotter than ever.

It is said that the temperature tower of love, which ended a few days ago, recorded 114.5 degrees Celsius, greatly exceeding the target.

It is news that the amount of the fruit of love raised last year was 840 billion won, a 30% increase from the previous year.

Truly, I would like to express my gratitude to the people.

Ipchun, announcing the beginning of spring. Today, I feel the warmth of our people toward the marginalized neighbors.

We are confident that this kind of consideration and warmth of sharing will be able to overcome the Corona 19 crisis and accelerate the spring of hope.

Thank you.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
