[정치][현장영상] Candidate of Busan Mayor of Democratic Party, former Minister Kim Young-chun confirmed


With the April by-election approaching a month ahead, Kim Young-chun, former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, has been confirmed as a candidate for Busan Mayor of the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party recently announced the results of the Busan Mayor’s Candidate through ARS votes for party members and ordinary citizens.

We will connect the presentation site and listen to Candidate Young-Chun Kim’s acceptance speech.

[김영춘 / 민주당 부산시장 후보]
[김영춘 / 더불어민주당 부산시장 후보]

Fellow citizens of Busan and my dear fellow Democrats. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to Kim Young-chun.

Together with the citizens, we will be a solution to the crisis in Busan.

We will definitely change Busan’s fate by winning the finals.

Candidate Seong-wan Byun and In-young Park, Ha-ha, you have been very good at work. I would like to express my condolences and thanks to the comrades of the two candidates’ camps who have done their best to the end.

The pledges of Candidate Seong-wan Byun, an expert in Busan who knows Busan well. In addition, Candidate In-young Park’s pledge to represent the hearts of young people and women better than anyone else. And I will try my best to receive and execute both of your economy and will.

I would like to thank CEO Nak-yeon Lee, Chairman Byun Jae-il, and City Party Chairman Park Jae-ho, and all of the officers in charge, who led the contest well despite the difficult situation of Corona.

This by-election was held at the fault of the Democratic mayor.

Again, I apologize to the victims and citizens.

Dear Busan citizens, there have been many people who dismissed me as this by-election was too unfavorable for the Democratic Party.

However, the situation in Busan was too difficult and desperate to turn away.

If such an election is held, even if the people’s strength is driven by a stake, it is so clear that the crashing Busan will fall into deeper despair, but I couldn’t ignore it.

That’s why I, Kim Young-chun, are not enough people, but I stepped forward with a feeling of standing at the edge of the cliff.

This is my destiny, it’s disadvantageous, but let’s do it. Trust the citizens of Busan, believe in the strength of the party members, and do it. So let’s save Busan. He vomited this blood and began to cut his bones.

And two months have passed.

I think the election that seemed to be ending so badly is fluctuating right now.

Kim Young-chun, who prepared a month for the People’s Strength candidate who prepared for a year, is fiercely pursuing.

We will catch up soon and show the moment of great success to our party members and citizens.

The Democratic Party passed the Gadukdo New Airport Special Law in the National Assembly just by being nominated for this election. Together with the Moon Jae-in administration, the Democratic Party has done it.

But it’s not over yet.

It’s just the beginning.

The real power of the Democratic Party. From now on, I will show the truth of the crisis solver Kim Young-chun to the citizens. Completion of Gadeokdo New Airport in 2029, World Expo in 2030 and success, completion of Boulgyeong Mega City. The Democratic Party, I will show you clearly how Kim Young-chun makes it successful. This is not just an election pledge.

It is the dream of Kim Young-chun and the Democratic Party to save Busan.

And it is the dream of all Busan citizens.

Isn’t that right, everyone?

Democrats have already started.

This is what Kim Young-chun has already been doing.

Fellow citizens, a special law has been passed on Gadeokdo Island, but the mountains that must be overcome, such as opposition public opinion, are scattered.

The mayor we select this time only has a term of one year and two months.

In this short period of time, important decisions must be made that will determine Busan’s fate.

There are many big homework awaiting Busan, such as the early start of construction of the new airport and preparation for hosting the expo.

President Moon Jae-in, from Busan, has one year left.

In it, you have to decide the timetable by playing the speed battle with the speed battle.

Therefore, the milestones and timetables of the irreversible Busan development must be confirmed.

A mayor from the power of the people who has made it the gateway airport in the southeast region that Busan citizens want until now, is something that cannot be done.

I, Kim Young-chun, will be with President Moon Jae-in.

I will be with the Democratic Party. A market where one year is used like ten years. It will be such a market that establishes a definite timetable for the re-leap in Busan.

As the first Minister of Maritime Affairs of the Moon Jae-in administration, Kim Young-chun established a shipping reconstruction plan and invested an 8 trillion won budget to revive Korea, the shipping industry, and the shipbuilding industry, which had been cut in pieces.

Korea Ocean Promotion Corporation was also established in Busan.

In addition, at the request of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, the basis for designating the northern port of Busan and the original city center in the basic plan of the Free Economic Zone has been created.

There is also the experience of leading the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, which used to be a crisis organization, to a strong morale organization that ranked first in business evaluation.

Mayor Kim Young-chun, the mighty mayor, will solve the crisis in Busan and save the Busan economy by putting all of my abilities and experiences, everyone. By the year 25, we will create a total of 250,000 jobs and 1.3 million new jobs every year, and achieve exports of 20 billion dollars.

It will be an economic market. So, we will create Busan, a global economic city that everyone envy.

Dear Busan citizens, We, Busan, were once the leading cities of industrialization and democratization in Korea.

It was also the best city to live in in Korea.

It was such an area where the lacking common people flocked to Busan in search of work.

But how did Busan change during a time when the power of the people was monopolized?

The population has decreased by 500,000.

There are no students, so colleges are in crisis, and self-employed people are clamoring that they can’t do business every year.

Then, what will happen if you leave Busan to the power of the people. Such a force that made Gadeok-do a new airport and made 10 years lost to Busan. The forces that stopped President Roh Moo-hyun’s policy of balanced regional development. The power that turned the Nakdong River into a green tide latte through the Four Major Rivers Project. A force that carried out illegal inspections at random, regardless of politics and citizens. Who is that force? It is the power of the people.

We cannot entrust our beloved Busan to the power of the people who have been incompetent and lied like this.

This is something that the pride of Busan citizens does not allow.

Isn’t that right, everyone? Would you like to leave Busan to the power of the people who will put Busan into crisis again? Or would you choose the Democratic Party that is already in action to solve the crisis in Busan? Dear Busan citizens, give me strength to Kim Young-chun and the Democratic Party. We will surely win, solve the crisis in Busan, and make Busan a city that develops prominently as Singapore in Northeast Asia. The dreamer will stay in the present.

Anyone who does not dream will stay in the present. However, the dreamer will surely achieve that dream tomorrow.

Fellow citizens, let us all run together for the dream of Busan and to achieve the dream of Busan.

Let’s run. thank you.
