[정치][팩트와이] Is it illegal for Na Kyung-won and Park Young-sun to appear on TV entertainment?

Na Kyung-won and Park Young-sun appear side by side on TV entertainment programs
Public opinion criticized for appearing on the broadcast of the leading candidate for re-election
Whether or not to include content related to the’election campaign’ is key


Former Congressman Na Kyung-won and Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun appear side-by-side on TV entertainment programs, causing controversy.

It is said that it is illegal to appear on the broadcast by politicians who are considered to be influential candidates in the re-election of the mayor of Seoul in April.

Reporter Kang Jeong-gyu confirmed whether it is true.


On the 5th, former lawmaker Na Kyung-won, who spends a small daily life with her daughter with Down syndrome, was broadcast on the 5th.

On the 12th, Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun will appear on the same TV entertainment program.

However, three months ahead of the mayor’s by-election by the mayor of Seoul, opposition politicians, who are considered as influential candidates, do not have a good look at the successive broadcast appearances.

[민주언론시민연합 유튜브 (지난 6일) : 지금 시점에서 (나경원·박영선의) 가장 눈에 띄는 공통점은 서울시장 선거 출마가 예상 된다는 점이잖아요. 누가 보더라도 굉장히 긍정적인 이미지를 심어주기 좋은 형태로 방송이 구성된 겁니다.]

▲ Violation of Election Broadcasting Deliberation Regulations?

Special regulations on election broadcast deliberation restrict candidates from appearing on broadcasts from 90 days before the election.

If you look at this clause alone, there is no problem with the broadcast of former lawmaker Na Kyung-won, who went out 93 days before the election, but it takes the appearance of Minister Park Young-sun, 86 days before the election.

However, the case of re-elections like this one is a little different.

Since the Election Broadcasting Deliberation Committee is established 60 days before Election Day, the Korea Communications Deliberation Committee explains that both cases do not violate the law.

▲ Is it a pre-election campaign?

Local elections are the official campaign period two weeks before Election Day.

In the case of this re-election, it would be illegal if you campaigned before March 25th.

As it is a provision that encompasses’those who wants to become candidates’, Minister Park and former lawmakers may also be applicable.

The key here is whether or not the broadcast in which the two appeared included content that could be called a pre-election campaign.

According to the Supreme Court precedent, it is necessary to objectively recognize the willingness to win or lose a certain candidate in a certain election.

[노희범 / 변호사 : 자기 가정사에 대해서 얘기를 하거나, 정치와는 전혀 관련 없는 얘기를 했다면 거기까지 사전선거운동으로 봐서 처벌하는 건 적절친 않은 것 같아요.]

In the past, former Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon and Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong also appeared in public entertainment programs ahead of local elections, causing controversy in the pre-election campaign, but the judicial process was not handled.

Due to the nature of entertainment based on laughter, it is possible to increase awareness while avoiding violations of the election law, making it a regular course for politicians running.

This is YTN Kang Jeong-gyu.

Reporter Kang Jeong-gyu [[email protected]]

Researcher Mihwa Kim
Intern reporter Lee Soo-hyun

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
