[정치][앵커리포트] Justice Party in shock… Jang Hye-young “There is neither a victim or a perpetrator”

This case is even more shocking because it was committed by the Party’s representative, the Justice Party, the most progressive party.

Even in the program, the Justice Party showed a strong will to protect the underprivileged, even in its program, that it must eradicate violence against sexual minorities and even have a program that requires them to participate more actively in politics.

As such, this incident is expected to have a big wave.

[최진봉 / 성공회대 신문방송학과 교수 : 발표한 내용 보셨지만 울먹이면서 발표하잖아요. 그만큼 이 사건은 충격적이라는 얘기예요. 정의당을 지지하고 또 정의당이 갖고 있는 선명성에 대해서 신뢰를 보냈던 사람들에 대해서 엄청난 충격을 준 거 아니겠어요.]

Rep. Jang Hye-young, who directly revealed that he was the party, said immediately after the Justice Party’s announcement that there was neither victimism nor abuser feeling through social media.

As anybody can become a victim, the feeling of a victim should not be forced to recover daily life.

I wrote that there is no’perpetrator’ as there is no specific person who commits sexual violence.

[이종근 / 시사평론가 : 왜 이렇게 피해자가 당당하다거나 혹은 피해자가 피해당하기 전에 가해자와의 어떤 관계, 이런 부분들을 끄집어내면서 피해자다움을 강요하는 그런 사회가 지금까지 이루어졌거든요. 그런데 장혜영 의원이 그 점과 관련해서 어쨌든 자기는 사건 이후에 굉장히 당당하려고 노력을 했고 아무 일도 없다는 듯이 그렇게 지금 살아 왔다. 왜냐하면 이 사회가 피해자다움을 강요하는 사회에 대해서 자기가 어쨌든 그것을 깨고 싶었다라는 그런 뉘앙스였고]

There is also an evaluation that Jang’s position, saying that there is neither a victim or a perpetrator, has questioned our society about the second offense against the victim, which is repeated without fail when the fact of a sex crime is exposed.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
