[정치][앵커리포트] Bills to prevent recurrence of land speculation are pouring…

After the alleged speculation on LH land, the National Assembly has been pouring out so-called “recurrence prevention” bills.

First, yesterday (17th), the National Assembly’s Administrative Safety Committee voted on an amendment to the Public Officials Ethics Act, requiring LH employees to register their assets.

The current law mandates property registration only for general public officials of level 4 or higher, and executives of public corporations, and LH wants to extend this obligation to general employees.

In particular, it includes not only the date and process of real estate acquisition, the process of formation of income sources, etc., but also contents that can restrict the acquisition of new real estate in the relevant business field or jurisdiction for the person and stakeholders who are obligated to register the property. That’s it.

In addition, Democratic Party Rep. Park Joo-min proposed an amendment to the Real Name Real Estate Act that prevents ownership of real estate under a second name.

In the case of a title trust that registers a real estate under the second name in order to evade tax and hide violations of laws and regulations, the content is to prevent the exercise of the right to the real estate in the future.

In addition, Rep. Yang Gyeong-sook of the same party proposed the’Return of Profits for Specific Property Crimes’, where unfair profits earned in violation of the Criminal Law exceed 5 billion won, which can be redeemed retrospectively.

At the Justice Party, Rep. Sang-Jung Shim proposed the amendment to the Special Act on Public Housing.

It is a punitive punishment when a former or current worker in the public housing business uses material undisclosed information to make a transaction.

We have imposed a penalty of three to five times the imprisonment for one year or more, or three to five times the profits of speculation, and can reduce the maximum life imprisonment if speculative profits of more than 5 billion won are obtained.

Rep. Shim in particular urged a prompt disposition, saying that the bill is a bill that has been refined for a long time with the solidarity of participation and Minbyun that exposed allegations of LH speculation.

However, it remains to be seen whether these laws will be fully passed.

When things happen, laws are poured out, but if public officials use their job secrets to gain profits from themselves or a third party, such as in the LH speculation, the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act for public officials who are punished by imprisonment for not more than 7 years or fines of 70 million won or less also drifts for several years. Because they are doing.

It is worth paying attention to what will happen this time, the measures to prevent recurrence of speculation promised by both parties.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
