[정치][단독] Nuclear power plants shut down as soon as possible…Priority target for 6 new nuclear power plants


As the last thermal power plant reported by YTN, it was confirmed that a plan is being promoted to close nuclear power plants that have been designated for reduction as soon as possible.

There is a possibility that six new nuclear power plants that are in the early stages of construction or that have not yet opened their first shovels will be prioritized for early closure.

Reporter Kim Joo-young reports exclusively.


This is a review report of the Energy Conversion Support Act.

It was presented at the end of last year by the Small and Medium Venture Business Committee of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the National Assembly.

While referring to the power plant that will be eliminated according to the Moon Jae-in government’s policy, a representative nuclear power plant was selected.

Six new nuclear power plants, including Shinhanul 3 and 4 and Cheonji 1 and 2, and 14 obsolete nuclear power plants are subject to major reductions.

The characteristics of the power system in which the demand and supply of electricity, which fluctuates significantly within a day, must match.

Here, it is considered that reduction is inevitable as the characteristics of nuclear power plants, which are difficult to turn off and turn on again, are overlapped.

[전영환 / 홍익대학교 전자전기공학부 교수 : (전기의) 공급하고 수요는 매 순간 딱 맞아야 하고요. (전력 공급이 수요보다 많아지면) 기기들이 오작동을 하게 되는 문제가 생기게 되고요. 소비 측면에서는. 발전기 측면에서는 어느 일정 속도 이상 올라가게 되면 기기가 무리가 발생하기 때문에….]

However, it is the construction cost and other various expenses that must be considered when deciding to close.

In particular, new nuclear power plants that have already been built and are subject to enormous additional costs are more annoying than old nuclear power plants that have been built and set by the expiration date.

According to the report of the National Assembly’s Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, the amount of money invested in the sixth nuclear power plant so far exceeds 700 billion won.

As the total project cost of Shin Hanul Units 3 and 4 exceeds KRW 8.2 trillion, it will inevitably cost much more in the future.

In order to solve this problem, the ruling Democratic Party is planning to establish a basis for support through the Energy Conversion Support Act as in the case of thermal power plants and speed up the closure as soon as possible.

The most effective method is to receive money from the existing nuclear power plant according to the amount of power generation or to cover the cost through environmental funds.

This is also the same way we support the shutdown of thermal power plants.

[양이원영 / 더불어민주당 의원 : (독일은) 2022년에 원전이 제로가 되고 2038년에 석탄발전소가 제로가 되는 계획을 세웠어요. 그런데 거기는 다 민간 기업이예요 전부다. 어떻게 했느냐. 정부가 이런 법을 만들어서 협상 테이블을 만들었어요. (이 법은) 협상을 시작할 수 있는 근거법이라고 생각하시면 돼요. 지금은 그런 협상조차도 하기가 굉장히 부담스럽죠.]

Previously, the government was pushing for similar measures with the revision of the Enforcement Decree of the Electricity Business Act, but was blocked by opposition!

The Democratic Party is planning to pass this bill at an extraordinary National Assembly in February, with strong opposition from the people’s power and nuclear academia.

YTN Kim Joo-young[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
