[정치][단독] Medical support for abused children’famous office’…no dedicated institution

The’famous office’ system… Only two dedicated medical institutions nationwide
Even though it was designated by the local government last month… No Welfare Ministry Designation
Including non-medical institutions, dentistry, obstetrics and gynecology… Professionalism ↓
Necessity of’mandatory and systematization of medical institutions dedicated to child abuse’


It was pointed out that there was a desperate need for support for children who were abused after the’Jeong-in-i incident’, but it turned out that there was little medical support.

There was a system in place to designate a dedicated medical institution, but it has been indifferent to its reputation.

This is the exclusive report by reporter Lee Kyung-guk.


A woman grabs the boy’s hair and pulls it out and throws it on the floor.

It may threaten the child by carrying a weapon.

This is a scene where a real mother abuses her 10-year-old son for not listening.

The number of cases of child abuse like this increases by thousands each year.

Although examination, treatment, and psychological counseling are essential, official medical support for victims is insufficient.

Since 2018, a system that allows the Minister of Welfare or the head of a local government to have a’medical institution dedicated to child abuse’ has been implemented, but it was not well known.

As a result of YTN’s coverage, only two places nationwide are currently designated as dedicated medical institutions.

Even that, it was confirmed that there was no institution designated by the Ministry of Welfare level as the local governments designated last month.

It was virtually nonexistent during the two years of implementation.

Child protection institutions have signed their own agreements and are receiving help from support medical institutions, but there are only 155 locations nationwide, and only 1% of the victims received actual help.

Even this is a number that includes institutions that are not hospitals or are far from specialized in child abuse, such as dentistry.

This is why it is pointed out that it is mandatory to designate a medical institution for abused children by region and systemize information.

[강선우 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 발견하고, 조사하고, 수사하고, 분리하고, 치료와 보호(까지) 전 과정에서 활용될 수 있거든요. 아이들을 더 신속하고 안전하게 보호하고 치료할 수 있게 되겠죠.]

It wasn’t just that there was no system that couldn’t save and treat the abused children.

It is time to look back on whether it was neglected in apathy that could not even utilize the existing system.

YTN Lee Kyung-guk[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
