[정치]靑, Shall we pardon after Park Geun-hye is sentenced to the Supreme Court?


The Blue House has avoided an immediate response with the position that it is not appropriate to mention the amnesty without a final sentence in connection with the controversy over the pardon for the former president.

But tomorrow, former President Park Geun-hye is scheduled to be sentenced to the Supreme Court, so it is paying attention to what position the Blue House will reveal afterward.

Reporter Hong Seon-ki reports.


From the beginning of the new year to the controversy over the pardon for the former president, which hit the list price, the Blue House has only answered that there is no official position.

It doesn’t make sense to say pardon for a case that hasn’t even been finalized yet.

President Moon Jae-in did not mention anything about the former president’s pardon in his New Year’s address.

As controversy spread that the new year’s society emphasized’integration’ and had amnesty in mind, the New Year’s address changed the word’inclusion’ instead of’integration’ to block the controversy over amnesty.

[문재인 / 대통령 / (지난 11일 신년사) : 2021년은 우리 국민에게 ‘회복의 해’, ‘포용의 해’, ‘도약의 해’가 될 것입니다.]

However, after the Supreme Court sentence for former President Park, the Blue House is expected to come up with a new answer in some way.

This is because the answer that the pardon cannot be said before the final sentence is no longer valid.

Although not in favor of or against the pardon, a more direct statement of position is inevitable.

In this regard, Chey Jae-sung, chief executive officer of the Blue House, appeared on a radio broadcast and emphasized the importance of public opinion, saying that pardons should be made from the public’s standpoint.

The’appropriate time’ when the Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon, who sparked the controversy over the amnesty, made a direct suggestion to President Moon Jae-in after the sentence of the Supreme Court may have been in mind.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 사회 갈등을 완화하고 국민 통합을 이뤄야 합니다. 적절한 시기에 대통령께 (전직 대통령 사면을) 건의 드릴 생각입니다.]

In this case, there is a possibility that President Moon Jae-in will directly reveal his position.

In addition, at the upcoming New Year’s press conference, questions related to the amnesty are expected to come out in some way, so it seems that President Moon’s thoughts on this will be heard.

YTN Hong Seonki[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
