[정치]文 “Little and embarrassing” Unusual criticism from the opposition party saturates


President Moon Jae-in criticized the allegations of violating the farmland law by writing an unusual expression of “little”.

The people’s power poured out concentrated fire, saying that they could not sympathize with the people’s anger,

Rather, the Democratic Party was asked to regain reason toward the people’s strength.

This is reporter Lee Jung-mi.


“It’s a bit embarrassing and embarrassing”

A rare expression was posted on President Moon Jae-in’s social media.

When suspicions of violating the farmland law were repeatedly raised in the process of purchasing a sister-in-law,

[안철수 / 국민의당 대표(지난 11일) : 대통령마저 부끄러운 줄 모르고 영농경력 11년이라면서 농지를 사들였습니다.]

I understand it’s the time of the election, but he expressed displeasure by saying that it should be that much.

He added that since the sister-in-law combines with security facilities, the president can only live, and that it is a land that cannot be disposed of.

It is interpreted to mean that it is not speculation for the purpose of making money, but the opposition party criticized it for the harsh expression.

The embarrassing thing is from the article that the President’s 11 years farming career (Lee Jun-seok)

Articles such as disappointment (Yoo Seung-min) and loss of self-control (Ha Tae-kyung) were posted, and even the mayor of Seoul helped.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 국민이 감정적으로 많이 분노해 계시는데, 과연 대통령께서 그런 표현을 쓰시면서 의사 표현을 하실 필요가 있었는지….]

A spokesman-level comment was even made that trait change was not something to be covered.

[윤희석 / 국민의힘 대변인 : LH 직원들이 지금 비난받고 있는 이유와 다를 바 없습니다. 일반 국민에겐 어렵기만 한 것이 토지 형질 변경 아닙니까?]

Then the Democratic Party was asked to regain reason for the people’s strength.

The purchase of the sister-in-law’s site has already been completed.

He also pointed out that the people’s strength is trying to somehow tie the president to LH speculation with something new.

President Moon also appears to have raised the question of using the suspicions he had raised in the past before and after the election, but it seems clear that emotional expressions have increased the political impact.

YTN Lee Jeong-mi[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
