[전문]On the last day of Chu Mi-ae’s tenure,’making a historical precedent for the normalization of the era’

Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae is greeting supporters near the main gate as he leaves the government building after the resignation ceremony held at the government’s Gwacheon government building on the afternoon of the 27th. / Gwacheon = Yonhap News

On the last day of his tenure on the 27th, Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae said, “It has set a clear and irreversible historical precedent that calls for the normalization of the prosecution.”

Minister Chu held a resignation ceremony at the Gwacheon Government Complex of the Ministry of Justice that afternoon. Minister Chu ended 391 days after taking office on January 2 of last year. Earlier, Minister Chu proposed a disciplinary claim against Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol to President Moon Jae-in last month and expressed his gratitude at the same time. Minister Chu said, “It has set a historical precedent for urging the prosecution to normalize by exercising the minister’s democratic control over the prosecution.” No one can go against it anymore.”

Minister Cho also said, “We have achieved solid results in terms of legal and institutional aspects, such as adjusting the prosecutor’s right to reform prosecutors for the reform of power institutions.” He added, “It was the first to implement the alternative service system, and responded strictly to crimes against women and children such as’N-Bunbang’ and’Child abuse incidents’.”

Minister Chu emphasized that there were also achievements in relation to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). He said, “Especially in the situation of Corona 19, we managed immigration and strict quarantine-inhibited instructors,” he said. However, he said, “It is very painful, but it should be taken as a valuable lesson.”

Finally, Minister Chu said, “Let’s not be afraid of change and reform as a last call,” and said, “I am now returning as an ordinary citizen and a politician.”

The following is the full text of Imsa Lee

Dear Legal Family!

This is Miae Chu, the Minister of Justice.

At this place a year ago

‘A comfortable country where the people are respected’,

‘Human rights and public welfare-oriented fair society’

I pledged to make it happen.

Based on these three principles

The legal innovation task that lies ahead of us

I ran to solve it,

Whether it really meets the standards of the people

You look back humbly.

However, it is clear that our legal families

It is that it has made every effort to reform the legal affairs and prosecution that have been delayed for the past decades.

First of all, the 1st pledge of the Moon Jae-in administration

The high-ranking officials criminal investigation office was launched,

Adjustment of the power of prosecutors and police to reform power institutions, etc.

We have achieved solid results in terms of the legal system.

For the exercise of the prosecution rights centered on human rights and public welfare

Strengthen the criminal and trial department,

In order to ensure the human rights of the people in the investigation process

Various institutional devices have been prepared.

‘Room N’,’Child abuse case’, etc.

Strictly respond to crimes against women and children,

To create a safe environment from crime, such as establishing an intensive management and supervision system for high-risk criminals

I have been trying.

In addition, the first alternative service system was implemented,

By expanding economic and psychological support for crime victims, we have laid the foundation for a leap forward into a human rights society.

In particular, in the unprecedented pandemic situation of Corona-19, immigration was quickly managed, and quarantine inhibited instructors were strictly prohibited.

We have actively implemented measures that put public safety first. The mass infection that occurred in the eastern detention center

It’s very painful, but for us,

To look back on the poor environment of prison facilities

It should be a valuable lesson.

Also, the private

By exercising the Minister’s democratic control over the prosecution

Urging the prosecution to normalize,

It has set a clear and irreversible historical precedent. There were also big and small fuss against reform,

No one can resist the fierce wave of the spirit of the times that yearns for justice and democracy.

It’s all thanks to your passion and dedication.

Once again, I would like to express my deep gratitude for your hard work.

Above all, the untiring support of the people and

With the dedication of the legal family,

The foundation of prosecution reform that will remain in history

I am happy to have been able to arrange it together.

I borrowed this position and entrusted me with the task of reforming the prosecution

President Moon Jae-in, who continued to give encouragement to the end,

Through all kinds of hardships,

I am deeply grateful for the dedication and hard work of Park Sang-sang and former Minister Cho Kook.

Now, based on the legal and institutional reforms achieved so far,

Complete separation of power of investigation and power of prosecution, etc.

The reform of the prosecution must be completed.

Correcting the prosecution’s deformedly bloated in 70 years

We need to normalize the criminal justice system.

A fair and transparent personnel system for prosecution personnel and

Establish a case dividend system,

The demise of the organizational culture

You will have to break it down boldly.

In the inaugural address for the reform

Although he emphasized the poetry of Zultakdong (?啄同時),

From inside the prosecution

To manifest a reformed voice and will

How much I tried myself

I always have a regretful heart.

Based on that regret

We have created’three major reforms to go to the public prosecution.’ I believe it will be a great reference for you.

I ask you again,

Now, prosecution reform is an irreversible demand of the times

Through this, the prosecution is a watchman of justice and justice

We must be the last bastion to protect human rights.

Come down from the past that reigned over the people

We must become a reliable friend next to the people.

Dear legal family!

That you are a person who makes the path of history

Please don’t forget.

Are not subject to reform themselves,

Please stand up as the subject of reform.

Listening to and acting on the needs of the people and the times,

That will be the duty and calling of public officials.

My public service life has always been a series of challenges.

Bumping into big and small obstacles, falling over,

I crossed the mountain and crossed the sea.

Let’s walk the path that the times and people point to

Sometimes I swallow smoke and my knees break

I took one step forward.

It’s the great leaders who walked in front of me

In front of the people who have passed away without a name

It was because he thought it was a’posture connecting the road’ without being ashamed.

There can be resistance to any reform.

But even with eternal reform

There can be no eternal resistance.

In other words, the reform continues in all times,

Resistance will disappear with the times.

That is the unchanging path of history

It is the history of the development of democracy.

Our history has also had a temporary setback,

Has been constantly moving forward in the direction indicated by the spirit of the times,

In the process, the old order is dissolved

We must face that the new order has led the country’s fate and people’s lives.

At this meeting, I’ll give you some advice to the legal family.

First, let’s go together in the direction of justice.

Our history has developed in a direction where freedom and human rights are always respected.

That is’justice’.

Although that direction would be uncomfortable for some

No one can go against it.

Justice in the name of the Ministry of Justice,

In other words, let’s recall what we have given justice.

For the prosperity of the country and the well-being of the community

All members agree and follow

The only value is’justice’.

The Ministry of Justice is not just one of the government departments

That’s the heart of justice.

The great responsibility of the legal family

This is why I have repeatedly emphasized.

Second, let’s walk with the sovereign people.

When we are next to the people,

That the people are also next to us

Please keep in mind.

The Ministry of Justice is the human rights department

As the ultimate agency of national criminal justice,

Fundamental to this is the guarantee of national sovereignty and human rights.

Any authority or authority

You cannot be above the sovereign citizen.

The Ministry of Justice is the only sovereign citizen

To ensure a comfortable and respectful life

Every effort must be made according to the constitution and law. There can be no more important public welfare than this.

Third, don’t be afraid of change and reform

Let’s open a new era of renaissance.

I have been impressed with the passion and will for change and reform that you have shown at the forefront of legal administration. I confess that it has given me more courage and strength.

Looking back on the history of humanity, the more we reject and resist change and reform, the more harsh it will come, and if we accept it and work together, it will give a richer history like the Renaissance.

No one knows the future.

Therefore, hesitation comes with new choices and challenges. Is it the right path for me to walk?

There will be times when you worry and step back.

But folks, change starts with one step.

We will always be with you in that brave step.

These are the 67th Justice Minister Chu Miae’s

This is my last request.

Let’s go on the path of justice, let’s go with the people,

Let’s not be afraid of change and reform.

Please keep the last request of the minister leaving in your heart.

When it’s hard and you want to put everything down

I have a word that gave me strength.

These are the words of my political teacher, President Kim Dae-jung.

With that word, I would like to close the two appointments.

“We don’t get discouraged when we have to regret,

When you have to be patient, don’t be nervous,

When you have to move forward, don’t hesitate.”

What I told you today

It is also my own commitment.

I am now back.

One ordinary citizen,

Return to one of the politicians.

Thank you to all legal families who have worked hard so far.

Fellow Koreans who supported me, thank you.

Thank you for your attention.

January 27, 2021

Minister of Justice Chu Mi-ae

/ Reporter Son Gu-min [email protected]

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