[전문] Prime Minister Chung “Declares an irrecoverable LH war on real estate crimes”

The government announced the results of the first joint investigation regarding LH employees’ suspicion of dumping land in the third new city.

The government said that a total of 20 suspected speculation was confirmed, including the case of speculation raised by Minbyun and the Participation Solidarity by conducting a first round of investigation of 14,000 employees of the Ministry of Land, Transport and LH.

The following is the announcement of the results of the first round of investigation by the Governmental Joint Investigation Group by Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun at the Seoul Government Complex.

[전문] Let me tell you the results of the first joint investigation by the government on allegations of LH employee speculation.

On March 2, after the Minbyun and Participation Solidarity raised the suspicion of speculation in the 3rd new city, the government immediately formed a joint investigation team.

We received consents to provide information from a total of 14,000 people including the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH executives and employees, and investigated transaction details and proprietary information through the real estate transaction system and the land information system, and carried out the work of mutual cooperation.

First of all, we are pleased to inform you that the results of the 1st survey to be released this time were conducted only for LH and the employees of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

I will tell you the reason and details through the material.

As a result of the investigation, a total of 20 suspected speculators were identified, including the case of speculation suspicion raised by Minbyun and the Participatory Solidarity.

Land transactions were mainly concentrated in the Gwangmyeong Siheung District, and suspected cases of speculation were also found in other 3rd new city districts.

It is an obvious crime that trampled on the common people’s dream of trying to raise a house for a lifetime by collecting salaries.

The people’s anger is justified, and the people’s request for condemnation is justified.

The government will never forgive the crimes of public corporations and public officials who have filled their pockets by exploiting the dreams and hopes of the people.

The announcement of the results of the LH survey today (11th) is just the beginning.

The government will go through all the doubts and suspicions as if it were, and will not leave any suspicious suspicion. Following the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH executives and staffs, Gyeonggi, Incheon, local governments and local public corporations were promptly investigated. I will request an investigation immediately.

In accordance with the investigation, we will expand the investigation area in the future.

With this incident, I decided that the existing methods and systems could no longer eliminate the greed of public officials.

Corruption of public officials should be heavily condemned by law and strictly controlled and monitored through the system.

In this regard, I would like to express the decision of the government to eradicate speculation in the public sector as follows.

First, we will ensure that allegations of speculation, such as borrowing-name transactions, are subject to punishment through thorough investigation by the government joint special investigative headquarters, which was launched this time.

In particular, the Special Investigation Headquarters will investigate not only the results of this investigation, but also the spouse and direct existence that the Joint Investigation Team originally decided to entrust for the purpose of rapid investigation and thorough law enforcement.

In addition, the Civil Rights Commission will thoroughly investigate the contents of reports related to allegations of speculation and announce them separately to the public.

For reference, during this investigation, we confirmed the details of housing transactions other than land.

Most of them are apartments, and all transaction details, such as Haengsin-dong, Goyang-si, and Dasan-dong, Namyangju, will be transferred to the Special Investigation Headquarters and used as investigation reference materials.

Second, the speculative act of public officials to abuse information is a betrayal of the people and a crime that undermines the discipline of the state.

We will thoroughly investigate and investigate until the public tells us to quit, as severe as the coronavirus prevention, which has been prevented by mobilizing the national administration.

We will be fully equipped with an institutional system that can transparently monitor the speculative behavior of public officials and employees of public corporations.

Public officials who have committed illegal speculation will be expelled immediately.

Along with this, we will analyze the entire process of supplying public housing and come up with a strong control plan that public officials and others can no longer even think of the word speculation.

In addition, we will fully recover speculative profits by mobilizing current laws and systems.

In addition, in order to ensure that illegal profits can be recovered, we will promptly improve the system and take legislative measures in consultation with the National Assembly.

Third, LH and its executives and employees who caused the problem this time will have to answer the public’s criticism about the need for an institution anymore.

People’s trust in LH has declined irreversibly.

In order for LH to properly carry out its original mission, we will devise an innovation plan to cut out the existing ills and turn away from the deputy prime minister.

Fourth, the people are now asking whether the housing supply is progressing in a fair and just way.

The government is responsible for restoring the deprivation of its people. The government declares a war on real estate crime.

We will devise and enforce special measures to strict against illegal and unfair activities committed in the real estate market such as false sales, planned real estate, and Tadabang.

In addition, in order to stabilize the housing market, the originally planned supply of public housing will be implemented without a hitch.

A policy without public trust is difficult to succeed.

We will thoroughly manage this LH case and take it as an opportunity to start over.

In order to restore the trust of the fallen people, the entire cabinet will strive to work with a tense attitude.

(Photo = Yonhap News)
