[전문] Irene, second apology for controversy “I’m sorry for the pain and worries over my lack”

Red Velvet Irene./News1 © News1 DB

Girl group Red Velvet Irene left a second apology after the controversy.

On the 15th, Irene said, “It snowed a lot and the weather got colder, but are you guys doing well? It’s too late, but I’m so nervous to greet you like this.” And he continued to apologize, saying, “First of all, I wanted to say that I apologize for causing so much pain and worries to many people because of my inadequacy.”

Irene said, “I started my life as a trainee at the age of 19 in 2009. Until now, my whole life has been to stand in front of you as Irene of Red Velvet.” “I wanted to do better than anyone else when it comes to my job while living in, and I thought that doing it well was the most important thing that was given to me.”

“Because I lived while thinking that I was getting along well with the people around me, I didn’t know that my communication method or expression could be a problem, and I only thought that the way of communication was different.” “Because of the past, not only the public but I received a lot of worries and reprimands, and through this, I had a time to quietly look back on myself.” “And unduly, there were members, fans, and staff around me who cared for me. I realized that I could work without it.”

In addition, Irene said, “As I can’t turn back time, I’m making a lot of effort not to go back to what I used to be.” “I realized the heaviness of words and actions, and I will become a more mature person.” “As a leader of Red Velvet, As a singer, I will try not only to show a good image, but also as a human Bae Joo-hyun, so as not to disappoint you.”

Finally, Irene added, “I hope that someone will no longer be criticized for what happened because of my inadequacies,” and added, “It’s late, but a happy new year.”

Meanwhile, Irene was controversial in October last year. At the time, the stylist and fashion editor Mr. A claimed that he had been hit by a celebrity in his social network service account. Since then, the claim that the celebrity in the article is Red Velvet Irene has been raised.

After that, it was revealed that the celebrity was actually Irene, and Irene met Mr. A, admitted her fault, and apologized directly. Irene’s agency SM Entertainment apologized and promised to prevent recurrence. Accordingly, Mr. A also deleted the revelations related to Irene.

The following is the full text of Irene’s position.

Good morning. This is Irene.

It snowed a lot and the weather got colder. Are you guys doing well? I am late, but I am trembling to say hello in writing.

First of all, I wanted to say that I apologize for causing so much pain and worry to many people because of my lack.

I started my life as a trainee in 2009 at the age of 19, and until now, my whole life has been to stand in front of you as Irene of Red Velvet. I have lived in a small society called the entertainment world so that if I am young and if I have many years, I have thought that I want to do better than anyone else in my job, and to do it well is the most important thing given to me. I lived while thinking that I was getting along with the people around me in my own way, so I didn’t know that my communication method or expression could be a problem, and I only thought that each way of communication was different.

I received a lot of worries and reprimands not only from the public but also from my surroundings for the past events, and this gave me time to quietly reflect on myself. And, unduly, there were members, fans, and staff who cared for me around me, and I realized that with their care, I was able to work without any problems.

As I can’t turn back time, I’m doing a lot of effort to not go back to the way I was. I realized the heaviness of words and actions, and I will become a more mature person. In the future, as a leader of Red Velvet, as a singer, I will try not only to show a good image, but also as a human, Bae Joo-hyun, not to disappoint you.

I hope that somebody will no longer be criticized for what happened because of my inadequacy. Late but happy new year.

[email protected]
