[전국]’Wolseong nuclear power plant suspicion’ data was deleted Prosecution of officials of the Ministry of Industry…


Three officials from the Ministry of Industry, who were suspected of deleting materials related to the nuclear power plant in connection with the suspicion of early closure of Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1, were handed over to trial.

As the upper-line investigation is proceeding relatively slowly, there is also an analysis that the recent situation of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol influenced the investigation.

Reporter Lee Moon-seok reports.


Three government officials at the level of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy were handed over to trial.

Two of them, the director and the secretary, are under arrest.

They entered the office of the Sejong Government Complex at around 11 p.m. on December 1st last year before the auditor’s investigation.

At this time, it was investigated that 530 data, including electronic records related to the early closure of Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 and immediate shutdown, were deleted.

The number of deleted data increased by 80 more than the auditor had figured out.

It has not been confirmed whether documents related to the Blue House were included in the newly discovered deleted data.

The prosecution allegedly committed the crimes to interfere with the auditors’ conduct.

However, it does not appear to be clear who is behind the deletion.

The movement of the summons investigation by the personnel mentioned above the case has not been detected yet.

Former Minister of Industry, Baek Woon-gyu and Chae Hee-bong, then the Blue House Industrial Policy Secretary.

The contents of this prosecution are somewhat weak compared to the sweeping seizure of the Ministry of Industry and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power at the beginning of last month.

A prosecution official said the investigation was not over and that the investigation of the remaining criminals of the defendants and related persons would continue.

However, some analyzes that the suspension of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who actually led the case, may have affected the investigation.

YTN Lee Moon-seok[[email protected]]is.

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