[전국]’Two weeks old son’ killed 3 generations in the face? Daughter a year ago also abused


A couple in their twenties who killed their son by beating their son only two weeks old were arrested.

However, even a year ago, it was found that the couple had abused their one-year-old daughter and the daughter was handed over to a shelter.

Reporter Kim Bum-hwan reports.


Two people come out of the police station for a warrant substantive review.

A man and woman in their twenties who were captured are between a couple,

[피의자 A 씨 부부 : (혐의 인정 하시나요? 아이한테 하고 싶은 말 없으세요?) ….]

A couple are accused of beating their two-week-old son at an officetel in Iksan, Jeollabuk-do on the 9th.

The court issued an arrest warrant saying’we are afraid of running away’.

The couple complained that a newborn child who couldn’t move well in the first place fell out of bed.

But when the police accused him with a bruise on his face, he accused him of vomiting powdered milk and slapping him in the face three times.

[심남진 / 전북경찰청 여성청소년범죄 수사대장 : 부모의 폭행으로 사망한 것은 맞는데, 그렇게 손바닥으로 얼굴 석 대 때린 것 외에 추가 폭행이 있었는지 그 부분은 또 저희가 계속 수사해서 밝힐 부분입니다.]

The police are intensively investigating how long and how hard the A couple hit the child.

In addition, based on the autopsy results, the relationship between the assault recognized by Mrs. A and the direct cause of death is also being investigated.

The police see a couple known to have abused their one-year-old daughter last year as co-criminals of child abuse.

YTN Kim Bum-hwan[[email protected]]is.

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