[전국]Troublesome public relations war… secretly swapping out promotional materials from competitors


Soju companies are competing fiercely to increase their market share.

In some cases, the conflict is deepening as the replacement of competitors’ promotional materials with their own promotional materials is repeated.

Reporter Park Jong-hyuk reports.


It is in front of a restaurant in Sacheon, Gyeongnam.

Employees of a soju company with a nationwide network put a promotional board for a local soju company on the car.

Instead, we put our promotional material on the spot.

They did this by going around three restaurants in the area.

[피해 소주 업체 직원 : 겨우 설치한 광고물인데 뒷날에 가보니까 4개 광고물이 모두 사라져서 되게 허탈하고 황당했습니다.]

Employees of the soju company in question were also charged with theft two years ago while replacing promotional materials.

The company describes it as a prevalent practice in the soju industry, claiming that they also had a similar job in 2017.

[가해 업체 관계자 : 관행 때문에 상대 업체에서도 이런 행위를 해서 저희들이 형사 합의를 해준 적이 있습니다.]

At the time, the two companies also signed a kind of peace agreement not to exchange promotional materials after that.

Nevertheless, what happened again this time is because of the fierce competition for market share.

Restaurants and taverns sometimes engage in nervous wars by removing promotional posters and stickers from competitors.

[정미경 / 음식점 종업원 : 1주일에 두세 번씩 할 때도 있고 어떨 때는 하루에도 두세 번씩 다른 직원들이 와서 붙였다 떼었다 하니까….]

Replacing the troublesome promotional material brought about by excessive competition.

It’s time for the industry’s own mature midnight efforts.

YTN Park Jong-hyuk[[email protected]]is.

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