[전국]Traditional markets were bustling for a long time, but’dark clouds’ on the faces of merchants

Last holiday before Lunar New Year… The long-awaited market
Merchant sales declined due to simplification of turnovers due to prohibition of groups of more than 5 people


The traditional market for the last holiday before Lunar New Year was very vibrant.

However, with the ban on gatherings for more than 5 people, the customer’s shopping cart has become lighter, so the expressions of merchants are not bright.

Reporter Oh Tae-in looked around the market.


Last holiday before Lunar New Year.

The traditional market is very crowded.

The sounds of merchants and customers bargaining for prices are lively.

It’s been alive after a long time, but the merchants can’t just laugh.

This is because holiday family gatherings have disappeared due to the ban on gatherings of more than 5 people.

As the number of families visiting their hometown decreased, food and turnover were simplified, and sales decreased significantly compared to the previous year.

Corona 19 was also affected by Chuseok last year, but he complains that this year’s New Year’s Day is worse.

[이순엽 / 생선가게 운영 : 지금은 매출이 추석보다 많이 떨어집니다. 지금은 모이지를 못하니까 자제분들이 다 안 오잖아요. 큰 걸 하다가 작은 것을 하고 10마리 살걸 5마리 사고….]

Even customers who visit the market couldn’t spend the Lunar New Year without any food, so they came to the market, but couldn’t open their wallets.

Even after making food, there is no one to share with you, so you can’t go shopping comfortably.

[조의숙 / 부산시 사상구 : 음식도 간단하게 해서 어머님 댁에 갖다 드리고 올 거예요. 3분의 1밖에 안 해요. 간단하게 나물이나 먹을 음식만 하고 안 할 거예요.]

The appearance of the traditional market where merchants and customers shared affection with the Corona 19 crisis, which lasted more than a year, has also changed a lot.

But before the Lunar New Year, all wishes were the same.

I hope that the difficult reality will end with this holiday.

[현성임 / 건어물 가게 운영 : 코로나가 빨리 물러나고 재래시장이 5년 전처럼만 돌아갔으면 좋겠습니다.]

YTN Oh Tae-in[[email protected]]is.

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