[전국]Tongue amputation of a man who committed sexual violence 56 years ago dismisses a request for retrial

In a similar’tongue amputation case’, the prosecution admits’party defense’
Judgment “The values ​​of the times have changed but cannot be overturned”


The request for a retrial by the last grandmother, who was sentenced to jail for cutting the tongue of a man who committed sexual harassment more than 50 years ago, was dismissed.

This is compared to the prosecution’s recognition of self-defense in a similar incident that took place in Busan last year.

Cha Sang-eun is a reporter.


In 1964, the last grandmother Choi, was a teenage girl.

Grandma Choi was molested by a man in her twenties, A, near her house.

Grandmother Choi, who resisted Mr. A, who was forced to kiss her, bit her tongue and escaped the crisis.

However, Grandma Choi, who was charged with serious injury due to the other’s tongue being amputated, was sentenced to six months in prison and two years probation.

Choi’s grandmother complained of resentment and requested a retrial last year after 56 years of the case.

However, the court dismissed the claim, saying it was not a reason for retrial.

The court admitted the ruling at the time that speech impairment caused by tongue amputation was a crime of serious injury, and did not admit Grandma Choi’s claim that it should be considered a lighter injury.

Grandma Choi also claimed that the prosecution at the time imprisoned her and forced her to make an unfavorable statement, but the court did not accept that there was no objective data, and that it was difficult to determine an official crime by judging the case half a century ago according to the current standards.

Grandmother Choi’s lawyers said they plan to appeal that the court at the time ignored the Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Law and failed to properly maintain human dignity.

[이임순 / 부산여성의전화 사무국장 : 인권단체와 연대해서 피해자와 함께 항고할 의사를 분명히 가지고 준비할 예정입니다.]

The court’s decision is being compared with the unprosecution of the prosecution’s disposition in recognition of self-defense in a similar case that took place at Hwangnyeongsan Mountain in Busan last year.

The court, which dismissed Grandmother Choi’s request for retrial, wrote down regrets at the end of the decision.

The judge said, “If gender equality had been accepted as a major value as we are now, we would not have sent Grandmother Choi to prison or stigmatized her as an offender,” and said that just because times have changed, the case cannot be reversed.

YTN Cha Sang is[[email protected]]is.

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