[전국]This year is the year of the white cow…we meet the rare white cow

Baekwoo is on the verge of extinction after Japanese occupation
Currently, 25 white cattle are being reared at the Livestock Genetic Resource Center.


2021 This year is the new year, the year of the white cow.

White-haired cows, or white cows, are rare animals and are treated as spirits.

Restoration work is underway in our country.

Reporter Jeom-Gon Oh visited the scene.


Namdeok Heritage has turned into a world of white snow with snow falling all night long.

Beneath the mountain is the Rural Development Administration Livestock Genetic Resource Center, which is the size of Yeouido, Seoul.

The white cow that I met at the barn here, precisely because of the prevention of quarantine, was strangely white.

[김성우 / 농진청 가축유전자원센터 연구사 : 엄마도 백우이고, 아빠도 백우인 경우에 한해서만 백우가 태어나게 돼 있습니다.]

Records of white cattle and white cattle, known as genetic variants of yellow Korean cattle, remain in veterinary books during the Joseon Dynasty.

However, it almost disappeared during the Japanese colonial period, and restoration work began in a state of extinction.

[고응규 / 농진청 가축유전자원센터 연구관 : 백우는 2009년 정읍과 대전에서 암소 2마리와 수소 1마리를 수집해서 인공 수정 등 수정란 이식기술을 활용해 개체 수를 늘려왔으며….]

Now, 25 animals have been restored and are raised in a thorough quarantine system along with rare species such as arrowroot and black cattle.

[김성우 / 농진청 가축유전자원센터 연구사 : (이 보관고에) 정액, 수정란, 체세포가 다 있습니다. (보관고 온도는 몇 도예요?) 영하 196도로….]

In the year of the white cattle year, the Rural Development Administration is planning to secure various Korean cattle genetic resources by accelerating the restoration and proliferation of white cattle.

They usually make wishes in the new year.

I also met Baekwoo, who is said to be a spirit creature, and made a wish.

‘This stuffy mask I’m wearing! This year, I wished you to take off this mask as soon as possible.’

YTN Jeomgon Oh[[email protected]]is.

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