[전국]The late Choi Sook-hyun sentenced to severe punishment for abusive acts…Former director Kim Gyu-bong was sentenced to 7 years

7 years imprisonment for former manager, including late Choi Sook-hyun assault
4 years imprisonment for former captain of the triathlon team at Gyeongju City Hall
Bereaved “I’m in charge, but the sentence is light…I will appeal”


The court sentenced former coach Kim Gyu-bong of the triathlon team of Gyeongju City Hall, who was handed over to trial on charges of assaulting and cruelty to late Choi Sook-hyun, of 7 years in prison.

Former captain Jang Yoon-jeong, who was tried with him, was sentenced to four years in prison.

Reporter Yunjae Lee reports.


Former coach Kim Kyu-bong of the triathlon team at Gyeongju City Hall, who was tried on charges of hijacking a subsidy and hitting players such as late Choi Sook-hyun.

The court sentenced former bishop Kim to seven years in prison.

Former captain Jang Yoon-jeong, who was tried together on charges such as frequent special injury, was sentenced to four years in prison.

The court also ordered the two to attend a 40-hour child abuse treatment program and to restrict employment in child-related institutions for five years.

The judge explained the reason for the sentence, saying that the superior position of being a manager and a senior player made victims feel personal contempt through assault and harsh behavior.

The survivors expressed their intention to appeal, saying the sentence was light.

In addition to the habitual assault of athletes, he collected up to 74 million won and 250 million won in subsidies for the athletes in the name of field training, but he has fewer brothers than exercise prescriptions.

[최영희 / 고 최숙현 선수 아버지 : 김규봉 감독이 최고 책임자로서 제일 형량을 많이 받아야 할 그런 위치인데도 불구하고 형량이 2년이나 구형량에서 감형됐다는 거에 대해서 저는 정말 아쉽게 생각합니다.]

The victims expressed regret in the sentence, saying that it was the captain of the battlefield that bothered them the most.

[정지은 / 피해 선수 : 피해자들은 워낙 장윤정 선수에게 많이 당했고, 많은 가혹 행위를 당했고, 많이 부려 먹었기 때문에 그만한 죗값을 못 받은 거에 대해서 너무 안타깝게 생각하고 있습니다.]

The court sentenced former player Kim Do-hwan, who was tried with him for hitting a minor player, sentenced to one year and six months in prison, and sentenced him to three years probation.

YTN Yoonjae Lee[[email protected]]is.

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