[전국]Survival signal from abalone fishing boat in Jeju…”Search difficult due to bad weather”


A fishing boat with seven sailors on the coast of Jeju was overturned, and the marine police began searching.

Survival signals were caught inside the overturned ship, but strong winds and high waves make it difficult for the coast guard to even enter the ship.

Let’s connect reporters. Reporter Kim Woo-jun!

Please tell me the news of the accident.


First of all, I will tell you the news just received.

It is news that the accident vessel was damaged by a high wave and floated to the breakwater near Jeju Port.

Earlier, the time of the incident was about 7:40 yesterday evening.

There is a report that a fishing boat has been overturned in the sea, 2.6km northwest of Jeju Port.

It was confirmed that the fishing boat that was injured was a 39-ton Myung Minho, which was shipped to Hallim in Jeju City.

There were 7 people on board, including 4 Koreans and 3 Indonesians.

The Jeju Maritime Police, who had been reported and dispatched, found an overturned ship at around 9:10 last night, 1.3 km north of Jeju Port.

At the time of discovery, a rescue crew climbed onto the hull and beat the hull, and the reaction in the ship was confirmed as a result of a strike test.

Since then, the rescuers are wearing diving equipment and trying to enter the hull.

It is difficult to enter the ship due to bad weather and obstacles such as nets from fishing boats.

As you can see on the screen, a portion of the bottom of the boat is still floating on the surface.

The Coast Guard has installed buoyant air bags and’lift bags’ to prevent the ship from sinking, and is attempting to enter the ship.


The local weather conditions are not good enough to be seen on the screen, but a storm warning has also been in effect on Jeju Island?


Yes, it is.

As of today 0 o’clock, the storm warning has been in effect all over Jeju Island.

At the sea of ​​the accident, a very strong wind of 18 to 20 m per second is blowing,

The wave rises up to 5m high.

As you can see on the screen, it is difficult to balance the ship due to the high up and down shaking of the ship, making it difficult for on-site rescue work.

As the situation is difficult, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun also ordered to mobilize all possible ships, aircraft, and rescue teams in connection with the accident.

Prime Minister Chung urged the Defense Minister to mobilize naval ships to support the search, and to provide support to facilitate night rescue activities, such as dropping flares using aircraft.

Earlier, Minister of Public Administration and Security Jeon Jeon-cheol also ordered the search for crews with all his might, promptly grasping the crew list to inform their families, and asking them to do their best for support such as site visits.

Eight hours have passed since the accident report was filed, but no crew has been rescued yet.

We will notify you as soon as new news is delivered.

So far, the national department has delivered it.

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