[전국]Steal stuff and rob cash like shopping… unmanned store’Passion’


As reflecting the non-face-to-face culture of the Corona era, the number of unmanned stores has recently increased remarkably.

Since there are no cashiers, security is inevitably weak, and the crime of stealing money or objects aiming for this is rampant.

Reporter Song Se-hyuk covered it.


It is an unmanned shop in Gangneung, around 2 am.

Two men and women tear apart the calculator and hastily put the bills in it into the bag.

It took only one minute to get the cash and run away.

Unmanned stores in Wonju, Gangwon and Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do have also reported damages from theft of cash, allegedly the same criminal.

[피해 점주(음성변조) : 동전이 묶음으로 돼 있었거든요. 그거는 두고 지폐만 가져갔어요.]

Another unmanned store in Seoul.

As if a man is shopping, he goes around the store and brings sweets and ice cream.

After filling 4 envelopes, they disappear leisurely without any calculations.

The man, who committed three crimes in the same store, was caught by the police in over a month.

[피해 점주 : 피해액이 작으면 (경찰이) 등한시하는 경우가 있는 것 같아요.]

Most unmanned stores have CCTV, but it is not enough to block crime.

This unmanned store recently locked the calculator and installed a double lock. This is a self-help measure to prevent subsequent theft damage.

[문준섭/ 가톨릭관동대 경찰행정학과 교수 : (매장 입구에) 신용 또는 체크카드를 인식시키는 간단한 장비를 통해서 출입자의 신상이 읽혀지게 되고 그런 걸 감추고 싶은 자에게는 출입이 통제되는….]

There are over 3,000 unmanned stores nationwide, such as convenience stores and cafes.

Business owners are suffering from crimes aimed at weak security.

YTN Song Se-hyuk[[email protected]입니다.

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