[전국]Spread of’nursing facility → hospital’ in Busan…

Virus transmission from Busan nursing facility to hospital
3 infections including Gijang Hospital patient and nursing assistant


The spread of Corona 19 in non-metropolitan areas is on the decline, but small group infections continue to be sporadic.

In Busan, the virus spread from nursing facilities to hospitals and between high-risk facilities again.

Reporter Yunjae Lee reports.


A small group infection related to hospitals in Busan was confirmed again.

The virus spread between high-risk facilities from nursing homes to hospitals.

It is believed that a patient admitted to a nursing facility in Haeundae-gu was hospitalized in a fall accident and spread the virus.

In the hospital alone, three patients, including patients and medical staff, were confirmed, and the total number of infections in hospitals and nursing facilities exceeded 10.

[안병선 / 부산시 복지건강국장 : 1월 29일 낙상으로 병원 입원을 하였으며 입원 중 접촉한 환자 1명과 간호조무사 2명입니다. 추가 확진자가 발생함에 따라 역학조사의 범위를 확대하여….]

In Gwangju, an additional confirmed person came out in connection with the Antioch Church, where more than 120 outbreaks were confirmed.

Four people who were classified as contacts and were in quarantine were found to be infected by a test before release.

[박향 / 광주광역시 복지건강국장 : 애초에 안디옥 교회 관련해서는 427명이 자가격리됐습니다. 그중에 356명이 어제 검체 채취를 해서 검사했는데요. 그중 4명이 확진됐습니다. 총 누적 확진자는 129명이 되겠습니다.]

Although the spread of the non-metropolitan area has eased, infections among high-risk facilities group and family and acquaintances are still repeated.

To completely dampen the momentum of the virus, it is most important to follow basic quarantine rules more thoroughly, such as wearing a mask and keeping distance.

YTN Yoonjae Lee[[email protected]]is.

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