[전국]Spread of infection related to Daegu karaoke assistants and instructors visiting Busan


As karaoke assistant women were confirmed one after another in Daegu, epidemiological investigations took an emergency.

Daegu City has issued an order prohibiting gatherings on the singing practice center until the end of this month.

In Busan, an instructor who conducted a one-on-one face-to-face class for infants was confirmed by Corona 19, and infants and their guardians are serially infected.

Connect with reporters. Reporter Oh Tae-in!

You said that the helpers were confirmed one after another at the Daegu singing practice center?


Yes, it is.

Four women working as karaoke assistants and one employee of the referral establishment were confirmed to be corona19.

It was the end of last month when they first showed symptoms.

More than 20 days have passed since the first symptoms.

The period is also a period, but the quarantine authorities are tense as it is likely that they have violated the quarantine rules due to the nature of karaoke.

They are not cooperating with the epidemiological investigation, and it is difficult to identify the movement and contacts due to a long period of symptoms.

Even if you track the base station of the carrier, you can only check the radius of 200m, so it is not easy to reveal when and which karaoke room you entered.

Given this situation, Daegu City asked the police for help.

The police are investigating allegations of interfering with their epidemiological investigations and, apart from this, are seeking ways to cooperate with quarantine.

Daegu City emphasized that it is more important than anything else for visitors to the singing practice center to be inspected voluntarily.

At the same time, in order to prevent visitors from being reluctant to test for fear of exposure to traffic lines, as well as temporary screening clinics, anonymous tests were made possible at public health centers.

In addition, in order to prevent further spread, an administrative order was imposed on 1,000,602 singing practice centers in Daegu from today to the 31st.


In Busan, the number of confirmed cases is increasing due to visiting classes for infants?


It was on the 14th that an instructor who was giving a one-on-one visiting class for infants in Busan was confirmed.

Since then, the chain infection continues.

Among the 21 families the instructor visited, 5 were confirmed.

Six children, including a brother and a guardian who were in the same room as the two infants who had been in the class so far, were confirmed.

Most of the infected children are 2 to 3 years old, including children aged 12 months.

In Busan, the instructor wore a mask at the time of class, but it is believed that the guardians in the same house did not wear it properly.

Not only the families I visited, but also the acquaintances and family members who ate with the instructor were infected.

There have been 18 related cumulative confirmed cases so far.

Busan City sees an acquaintance who ate with the instructor as an indicator patient, but the route of infection for the first time has not been identified.

Until now, YTN Oh Tae-in in the national department[[email protected]]is.

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