[전국]Seoul’s head leaned against the’snow-removing turbulence’… “Introduction of advanced snow removal equipment”


The city of Seoul, which suffered from the snow removal crisis in the surprise heavy snowfall, officially apologized and decided to introduce advanced snow removal equipment.

The plan is to prepare for heavy snowfall by installing a snow removal detection system in areas with congested traffic.

This is reporter Lee Sang-soon on the report.


On the night of the 6th, the road in Seoul, especially in the Gangnam area, was a mess.

As soon as the snow fell, it freezes and becomes ice.

There were cases of getting stuck in a car or leaving the car at all.

Eventually, the city of Seoul bowed his head.

[서정협 / 서울시장 권한대행 : 시시각각 변화하는 기상의 특성을 고려해 예보보다 먼저, 예보 이상의 강도 높은 조치를 취해야 했음에도 부족함이 있었습니다. 시민 여러분께 큰 불편과 심려를 끼친 점 깊이 사과드립니다.]

The city of Seoul decided to introduce a state-of-the-art snow removal system with this opportunity.

In areas with frequent accidents and traffic congestion, a snow removal detection system and a snow removal system that releases heat energy when the temperature decreases will be introduced soon.

In addition, small snow removal equipment that can be dispatched on roads and alleys where it is difficult to enter snow removal equipment will be introduced.

[서정협 / 서울시장 권한대행 : 눈이 오면 치우는 사후적 제설대책에서 눈이 오기 전 미리 대비하는 사전 대책으로 전환하고, 이번처럼 폭설에 한파가 동반되는 등 다양한 상황에 대비한 제설대책을 마련하겠습니다.]

As of the 8th, the Seoul Metropolitan Government announced that 89% of the roads, 78% of the sidewalks, and 100% of the main arterial roads have been removed.

In addition, he added that the situation room will operate 24 hours a day as the strong cold continues, so that we will thoroughly prepare for traffic accidents and falls due to freeze and residual snow.

YTN Lee Sang-soon.

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