[전국]Seoul City,’Just before Election’ and’Controversy’ to Pay 1 Trillion of Disaster Subsidies

A total of KRW 1 trillion is provided to Seoul-autonomous districts and small business owners
It was difficult to compensate for losses directly… “Support” ahead of the election


The Seoul Metropolitan Government and 25 autonomous districts provide a disaster support fund worth 500 billion won to small businesses and businesses affected by Corona 19.

The timing at which the election is on the verge is subtle, but the city of Seoul has repeatedly emphasized that it has nothing to do with the election.

This is Koo Soo-bon.


The city of Seoul, along with 25 autonomous districts, provides a disaster support fund worth 500 billion won to small businesses and affected businesses.

Including loans, the amount of support reaches KRW 1 trillion.

It is explained that the purpose is to supplement the 4th disaster support fund, which the government has not yet paid.

[조인동 / 서울시 기조실장 : 정부 추경이 아마 24일 정도 확정될 것으로 보고 있습니다. 저희도 그 이후부터 바로 착수해서 지원신청을 받도록 하고요.]

Up to 1.5 million won is paid to 275,000 businesses that are prohibited from gathering or restricted from gathering, and 500,000 won to small businesses that are closed.

In addition, we provide interest-free loans of up to KRW 20 million per person to small business owners with a scale of KRW 500 billion.

500,000 won per person is paid to 170,000 unemployed youth, and 100,000 won to 460,000 low-income vulnerable groups.

500,000 won each for transportation workers, etc., and up to 1 million won for culture/artists.

However, with the by-election of the mayor of Seoul at hand, there are many doubts about whether it is support for elections.

This is even more so because the city of Seoul has taken the position that it is difficult to compensate for losses directly to small business owners in damaged industries.

[서정협 / 서울시장 권한대행 : 여러 가지 추가적인 민생대책에 대한 요구가 있어서 이번 지원책을 마련하게 됐고요. 선거와는 무관하다는 말씀 드리겠습니다.]

[이동진 / 서울시구청장협의회장 : 매표행위에 대한 말씀도 있었습니다. 정치적 용어라고 생각합니다. 저희는 이와 관련 없음을 다시 한 번 말씀드리고요.]

The city of Seoul plans to start paying it from the beginning of next month as soon as possible in line with the government’s fourth disaster support schedule.

The Seoul Mayor’s by-election is on the 7th of the following month.

YTN Goo Soo-bon[[email protected]]is.

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