[전국]Seoul City searches for a surprise attack at the home of King Choi Soon-young, king of delinquency… seizes expensive artwork


The Seoul Metropolitan Government confiscated the home of former Shin Dong-A Group Chairman Choi Soon-young this morning and seized high-priced artwork.

Former Chairman Choi was still living a luxurious life without paying taxes of 100 billion won in addition to the additional fines of 150 billion won.

This is reporter Lee Sang-soon on the report.


Private luxury villa in Yangjae-dong, Seoul.

This is the home of the former chairman of Shin Dong-A Group, Soon-Young Choi.

Early in the morning, the 38th Tax Collection Division of Seoul came in.

As the investigators open the chests, luxury bags pour out.

Expensive artworks are lined up throughout the house.

[이병욱 / 서울시 38세금징수과장 : 그림이 집안에 걸려있는데 대형그림입니다. 이동하기가 불편해서 집안에 봉인해서 압류 조치해놨습니다.]

The items seized by the Seoul Metropolitan Government through this search for houses are 18 high-priced artworks and over 26 million won in cash.

It is a very small scale.

Former Chairman Choi’s arrears amounted to KRW 155.7 billion, including KRW 3.89 billion in local taxes!

However, the family, including former chairman Choi and two sons, drive three luxury cars and live in luxury villas in separate houses.

Formally, this is possible because the wife of the former Chairman Choi is the property of the Chairman of the Torch Foundation.

Accordingly, the Seoul Metropolitan Government is reviewing measures to cancel the establishment of a corporation by the Torch Foundation and to file a complaint.

The city also found out that the family of former chairman Choi received 3.5 billion won for selling paintings in April of last year in this house search, and is considering whether the proceeds from the sale can be covered for tax arrears.

This is YTN Sang-soon.

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