[전국]Regret not being able to go home, to the mountains and the sea…


This Lunar New Year holiday, meetings of five or more people have been banned to prevent the spread of Corona 19.

In the atmosphere of refraining from visiting their hometown, tourists came to the famous tourist spots nationwide, such as the mountains and the sea, to appease their regrets.

This is Lee Sang-gon.


Naksan Beach is one of the best spots for sunrise on the east coast.

Tourists enjoy a long time while looking at the open sea.

I take a leisurely walk on the white sand beach, take pictures, and leave memories.

Fishermen flocked to the breakwater.

[박응준 / 경기도 성남시 분당구 : 함께 명절에 어울리기 쉬운 게 아닌데 이번에 큰 결심을 해서 함께와서 숙식을 하고 하니까 그 전에 없던 친분이 더 생기는 것 같고 많이 좋았습니다.]

It was noticeable that most of them were paired with 3 to 4 people due to the ban on groups of 5 or more.

There have also been tourists using camping cars instead of renting accommodation to minimize contact with others.

[한문수 / 인천시 부평구 : 캠핑카를 가지고 다니면서 실내에서 활동 안 하고 캠핑카에서 활동하고 하니까 (다른 사람과 접촉) 걱정은 안 하게 되더라고요.]

Those who gave up visiting their hometown continued to visit the mountains.

At the entrance of the trail, hikers were greeted by a guide asking them to follow the quarantine rules, such as keeping a distance.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year. Please keep walking distance.

Wearing a mask and keeping a reasonable distance is basic.

I enjoyed the atmosphere of the winter mountains and healed the regrets of the Lunar New Year holidays when meeting with relatives became difficult.

[김명종 / 전남 완도군 구외면 : 5인 이상 집합 금지 명령에 적극적으로 동참한다는 의미도 있고, 가족끼리 모이기가 쉽지 않은 사안이어서 가볍게 산책한다는 마음으로 야외로 나오게 됐습니다.]

Major touristic lodgings have a high reservation rate, which is close to full.

Amid concerns that Corona 19 could spread due to human contact, visitors enjoyed the Lunar New Year holiday while following the quarantine rules.

YTN Lee Sang-gon[[email protected]]is.

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