[전국]Pusan ​​National University, “Former Minister Cho Kook’s daughter’s entrance examination corruption suspicion committee formed and investigated”

Pusan ​​National University admissions process management committee investigated suspicion
Consists of personnel inside and outside the university… It seems like a separate dedicated team will be created
Pusan ​​National University “Investigation plan is self-established by the committee”


The university announced its own investigation plan regarding the allegations of corruption in the entrance examination of Pusan ​​National University Medical School by Cho Min, the daughter of former Justice Minister Cho Kook.

It changed from the standpoint of watching until the final decision is made, but we will connect reporters to find out what the content is. Reporter Cha Sang-eun!

How is the investigation of alleged corruption at the entrance exam conducted?


Pusan ​​National University recently announced that it has decided to investigate the allegations of corruption in the entrance examination by Cho Min, the daughter of former Minister Cho Kook, by the Admissions Process Management Committee.

This committee is a permanent organization related to entrance examinations at Pusan ​​National University.

It consists of 25 people or less, including the chairperson, vice-chairperson, and internal committee members, as well as at least one external committee member.

As in this case, a separate dedicated team can be formed and operated for special issues.

We have not disclosed which personnel are participating in or outside the university.

Pusan ​​National University explained that the committee will decide on its own detailed activity plan, such as the method of investigation by the Admissions Process Management Committee and the subject of the investigation.

It then announced that it would request that the Fair Management Committee submit its plan of action to the university headquarters as soon as possible.

Pusan ​​National University also explained that the main role of the committee is to review and report to the university headquarters what reasonable measures the university should take in response to the alleged corruption in the entrance examination by Cho Min, and that the committee’s autonomy will be fully respected.

Pusan ​​National University plans to determine the university policy through legal review when the results of the discussion by the Admissions Process Management Committee come out.

The period of the investigation has not been specifically decided, but interest is drawing as it is a matter that may result in the cancellation of Jo Min’s admission to the medical school.

Until now, Pusan ​​National University has been in the position to take relevant measures when the final judgment of the court comes out, but recently the Ministry of Education has turned its stance as the Ministry of Education demanded a review and action plan regarding the suspicion of Cho Min’s entrance examination.

Until now, YTN’s Cha Sang in Busan[[email protected]]is.

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