[전국]Police work council “exaggerated allegations” to female policemen who complained of’sexual damage’


A female police officer in Gangwon-do has revealed incidents of sexual insults, and in this regard, I told you before the news that incumbent police officers are revealing illegal activities.

However, controversy is arising by posting a post at the police station that refutes the allegation of the victim policewoman.

This is reporter Hong Seong-wook.


“There is an exaggerated part of the article written by the victim policewoman, so I want to correct it.”

This is a post posted on the bulletin board inside the police by the police station’s workplace council two days after the appeal of the female police officer A who requested help.

First, he said that the inspection of Mr. A was stopped within a week after the start of the inspection regarding the lost items stored in the police station.

He explained that it was an illegal activity such as abuse of authority that checked the CCTV at the lodging facility, but it was a result of’the process of dating men and women’.

In addition, an employee of the Gangwon Police Agency, a senior agency, argued that the investigation by visiting the police station was ignoring the procedure.

It was also said that the reason that all of the police station staff became dumb and dumb was not because they admitted to the author’s claim or reflected on their faults.

In particular, Mr. A argued that he suspected that he was using the media and police colleagues across the country to avoid prosecution investigations related to lost property for exposing sexual crimes at work.

He said he hoped to stop accusing the police officers by trusting only one party’s arguments.

When this article was posted saying that Mr. A’s allegations were suspected of other intentions, criticism from police officers from all over the country flooded.

In the end, the article was deleted within half a day, but it was left as a big scar for Mr. A.

[피해 여경 A 씨(음성변조) : 정말 황당하고 너무 충격받았어요. 너무 충격 받고, 그런 글을 왜 올렸을까라는 생각이 가장 처음 들었고.]

The investigation by an employee of the Gangwon Police Agency, who claimed that the workplace council had ignored the procedure, was confirmed to have been reported and ordered according to the procedure as a job abandonment investigation for reporting sexual harassment, not sexual harassment.

This is YTN Sungwook Hong.

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