[전국]Jeongseon forest fire extinguishing rate 60%…110,000㎡ ashes

Following Yangyang, Gangwon, on the 18th, there was a big forest fire in Jeongseon yesterday (20th), and the forest authorities started to extinguish it, but due to strong winds and steep terrain, it is struggling to evolve.

As the day gets dark, forest authorities are working to withdraw helicopters, build proliferation barriers and prevent further damage.

The fire occurred at Nochusan in Yeoryang-myeon, Jeongseon-gun, around 3:50 pm yesterday.

However, the fire site was a steep slope where manpower was almost impossible to put in, and it was difficult to extinguish due to a strong wind of 6.2 meters per second.

As the sun went down, the extinguishing helicopter withdrew, and after putting in more than 300 people, it created a proliferation barrier and switched to a night extinguishing system.

After watching the spread, as soon as the day comes, we plan to mobilize 7 helicopters waiting nearby to start a full-fledged evolution.

By 0:30 today, the evolution rate is 60%, and it is estimated that 11㏊ and 110,000㎡ of national forest have been burned.

At night, the wind was reduced to 3 to 4 meters per second, but due to the valley-like topography, the heat rises and the flame spreads to the top of the mountain, and the damage area is expected to increase further.

There are 16 residents of 4 households under the mountain, and there have been no casualties or damage to facilities to date.

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