[전국]Intensive crackdown on burning rice paddy and field heads…How to deal with wildfires?


In the Yeongdong region of Gangwon-do, a dry warning and a strong wind warning are being issued, as well as a large forest fire warning.

We need to be wary of wildfires as high-temperature, dry, strong winds will blow up until today, the weekend.

Reporter Jeong Hye-yoon summarized how to prevent wildfires and how to deal with them.


The Yangyang forest fire that occurred on the night of the 18th.

The embers generated in the private house have spread to the surrounding mountains.

Evolution was difficult due to strong winds, and it was once ordered to evacuate residents.

It is a Yangganji style that appears when a large forest fire occurs in Yeongdong.

[반기성 / 케이웨더 예보센터장 : 양간지풍은 ‘남고북저’ 형태의 기압배치에서 남서풍이 태백산맥을 넘어가면서 영동 쪽으로 상당히 강하면서 건조한 바람이 부는 것을 말합니다.]

The threat of strong winds in Yeongdong and the east coast is expected to peak overnight.

This is because, in the worst case, when the dry and strong wind alarms are issued at the same time, a gust of up to 30 m/s and 105 km/h is expected to blow.

[추선희 / 기상청 예보분석관 : 전국에 바람이 강하겠고, 특히 건조특보가 내려져 있는 강원 산지와 동해안은 19일 밤~20일 새벽에 최대 시속 100km의 매우 강한 돌풍도 불겠습니다. 산불과 같은 화재예방에 각별히 신경 쓰셔야겠습니다.]

When a forest fire occurs, it is difficult to extinguish.

For this reason, the Korea Forest Service intensively regulates the burning of rice paddies and farm waste until the weekend.

In addition, the act of cooking outside the designated place and the residents carrying inflammable substances such as matches or lighters is also prohibited.

If you witness a wildfire, you can report it to 119, 112, or city, county, or ward offices.

If the fire spreads greatly and you are near the site, you should take the direction of the wind and move away from the forest fire path.

If there is no safe area to evacuate, it is better to go to a place with less leaves or to a place burnt by fire and wait for rescue.

This is YTN Jeong Hye-yoon.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
