[전국]’Immediate shutdown of nuclear power plant’ reported to the Blue House in advance…Ministry of Industry deleted many related documents

Prosecutors indict three officials of the Ministry of Industry for’deletion of nuclear data’
Among the 530 deleted materials, many documents reported by the Blue House were confirmed.
Han Suwon Board of Directors is imminent, and 7 documents related to the Blue House


While the prosecution is investigating the suspicion of’early shutting down the 1st Wolseong nuclear power plant’, the contents of the indictment against officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy who were handed over to trial for deleting related data were disclosed.

A number of documents reported to the Blue House by the Ministry of Industry have been confirmed, and it turned out that in particular, it has reported that a decision to suspend operation will be made 20 days before the meeting of the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Council.

It was predicted that the summons of personnel related to the Blue House will continue soon.

This is Lee Sang-gon.


There are three public officials from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy who have been handed over to trial on charges of interfering with the audit.

They were revealed in a prosecution investigation that they deleted 530 documents, including documents related to’Wolseong Unit 1’when the auditor requested the submission of data in 2019.

According to the contents of the complaint released by a media, it was confirmed that among the deleted data, many documents reported to the Blue House by the Ministry of Industry were included.

The data reported to the Blue House three weeks before the KHNP Board of Directors was held was a document titled’The Status of Implementation of Complementary Measures for Energy Conversion and Future Progress.’

The prosecution stated in the complaint that this data contained “on June 15, 2018, the board of directors of KHNP will decide to close Wolsong 1 early and immediately shut down its operation.”

It was confirmed that 7 documents related to the Blue House were prepared in June 2018, when the board of directors of KHNP was imminent.

There was also a document that summarized the matters requested to the President of Han Soo-won, such as the content that a resolution of the board of directors is required immediately after the June 13 local election.

The prosecution wrote in an indictment that the data was deleted after arbitrarily renaming the file so that the contents could not be recognized during recovery.

It has been found that documents containing the trends of civil organizations and the KHNP union that opposed the plan to build nuclear power plants in North Korea or the government’s policy of eliminating nuclear power plants were also deleted.

The prosecution recently called for former Minister of Industry Baek Woon-gyu to investigate whether government officials in the Ministry of Industry were pressured to delete data to investigate whether they abused their authority.

While the prosecution is known to be reviewing a request for an arrest warrant against former Minister Baek, who denied the allegations, it is predicted that the summons of the Cheong Wa Dae’s industrial policy secretary at the time was imminent.

YTN Lee Sang-gon[[email protected]]is.

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