[전국]Group infection of homeless facilities at Seoul Station Plaza… discontinued operation | YTN


Covid-19 group infection occurred at the Homeless Support Center in Seoul Station Square.

As it is used by an unspecified number of people, there is a great concern about spreading it, but we have decided to suspend operation until the 29th.

This is Koo Soo-bon.


This is the’Hope Support Center’, a facility for homeless people operated by the Seoul city government.

Five people, including two workers and three homeless people, have been confirmed since the 17th at this facility in Seoul Station Plaza.

Most of the center workers are unable to work due to a large number of close contacts, and one confirmed homeless person is confirmed as a participant in the Seoul Station emergency shelter job, and the center will be suspended for the time being.

[박유미 / 서울시 시민건강국장 : 5명 외에도 추가 확진자가 더 나올 수 있는 상황에 대비하여, 불가피하게 오늘부터 1월 29일까지 4일간 센터운영을 중단하게 되었습니다.]

The Seoul Station Hope Support Center is a facility used by an unspecified number of people, providing emergency sleep to about 70 homeless people a day on average.

The city of Seoul has decided to check closely contacted persons through the user list and CCTV records, and to actively guide the corona 19 test to homeless people in the Seoul Station area.

[강재신 / 서울시 자활지원과장 : 응급잠자리 이용 시에는 발열체크하고 이용자명단을 작성하고 있습니다. 또한 그 안에서도 사회적 거리두기를 실천하고 있습니다.]

The number of confirmed cases per day in Seoul has gradually decreased to less than 150 in the last 10 days, but sporadic group infections such as hospitals, workplaces and saunas are continuing.

The quarantine authorities said that there are many cases of spreading to facilities such as workplaces through the spread of family and acquaintances, and asked for thorough use of masks and distance from people close to them.

YTN Goo Soo-bon[[email protected]]is.

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