[전국]Group infection of foreign workers in Eumseong, North Chungcheong Province, disrupted food service in Wonju


Foreign workers were collectively infected with Corona 19 at a glass manufacturing company in Eumseong, North Chungcheong Province.

In Wonju, Gangwon-do, because of Corona 19, school meals were disrupted at schools at all levels.

We will connect reporters on the Corona 19 situation to learn more. Reporter Kim Jong-ho!

Chungbuk Eumseong Foreign Workers Group Infection, How many people have been confirmed so far?


Until yesterday, there were 17 confirmed workers at the company.

Except for one of these, all are foreigners.

Yesterday, two foreign workers were confirmed as confirmed, and a full inspection was conducted, and 15 more came out yesterday.

All foreign workers who tested positive this time are known to have passed away in the dormitory.

While the initial path of infection has not been identified, the quarantine authorities believe that a serial infection occurred as a result of living in a dormitory group.

In Busan, another group infection was confirmed at the Gamcheon Branch of the Busan Port Transport Union, where 67 people, including 34 unloading workers, were confirmed as confirmed at the end of January.

Since the 3rd, 8 cargo workers and 3 contacts have been confirmed.

All 340 members of the Gamcheon Branch have completed diagnostic tests, but the contact test has not yet been completed.

All confirmed workers were put on a refrigeration carrier and were put into the work of unloading imported frozen water.

Epidemiological investigations have yet to come out whether the infection has started on Russian ships or whether the virus has spread in Korea.

In Wonju, Gangwon-do, Corona 19 caused a major setback in elementary, middle, and high school meals.

This happened when an employee of the Wonju Food Center, which delivered food materials to the school, was confirmed.

Of the 95 schools in Wonju, more than half of 47 have replaced their meals with convenience meals such as bread and lunch yesterday, or even sent students home during lunch break.

Fortunately, the corona diagnostic test results for the rest of the food center staff were all negative, and food supplies were resumed.

However, as a cook who has been in close contact with a confirmed patient enters self-quarantine, one school will provide lunchboxes to students for the time being.

Until now, YTN Kim Jong-ho in the national department[[email protected]]is.

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