[전국]Group infection at Daegu massage parlor…Over 160 visitors tested

Group infection of 6 Thai workers at massage parlors in Daegu
Daegu City secures visitor list… Total inspection against 163 people


Although the spread of Corona 19 has softened a bit, small group infections are still repeating in each region.

Even outside the metropolitan area, there were double-digit confirmed cases in 8 cities and provinces.

We will connect reporters to find out more details. Reporter Yunjae Lee!

First, let’s look at the news from Daegu.

34 new confirmed cases came out, and there was a mass infection at the massage parlor?


That’s right.

It’s called’Hyu Thai Massage’ in Suseong-gu, Daegu.

Yesterday, so on the 8th, a Thai worker working here was tested positive in a diagnostic test that was performed before emergency surgery.

Afterwards, all officials of the establishment were examined, and five additional Thai employees were confirmed.

Daegu City first secures a list of visitors and conducts inspections on 160 people.

It also revealed that if you have been to this massage parlor since the 23rd of last month, you must have an examination.

There was also a confirmation of a councilor in Daegu.

On the 30th of last month, a test was conducted before the quarantine was lifted with a member of the Dal Seo-gu, who was confirmed to be infected.

An additional 15 people, including users and contacts, were infected.

There were a total of 46 cases of cumulative confirmed cases related to Lee.

In Gyeongbuk, 19 people were tested positive as sporadic local infections continued in 9 cities and counties.

Two contacts related to nursing academy in Gumi were infected, and in Pohang, a confirmed case was confirmed by a visitor inspection of the Sangju BTJ World Center.


In Busan, 19 more were confirmed this morning?


Yes, according to the announcement from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 32 confirmed patients in Busan on a day yesterday.

Looking at what Busan City announced a while ago, 19 additional people were tested positive for Corona 19 this morning alone.

Most of them have a serial infection between family and acquaintances.

Although the number of large-scale population infections is gradually decreasing, the number of confirmed cases is not decreasing as small-scale serial infections that lead to family and acquaintances continue.

There were no additional confirmed cases related to alternative schools.

In Ulsan, 34 confirmed cases were added within one day yesterday, most of which were found to be related to religious facilities.

In Gwangju, where 21 new cases were confirmed, the number of confirmed cases related to nursing hospitals and nursing homes continued to increase.

Of these, four were nurses at Hyojeong Nursing Hospital, whose group infection was confirmed on the 2nd, and the cumulative confirmed number increased to 99.

Two additional people were also added to the Evergreen Silver House nursing home in Gwangju, and the cumulative confirmed number was 75.

In addition, epidemiological investigations are being conducted in Gwangju Yangdong Market as it has been confirmed to spread among merchants.

YTN Lee Yoon-jae in the national department so far[[email protected]]is.

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