[전국]First 20-year-old fatality dies of acute pneumonia within one day of confirmation

Inpatient in her 20s died of Corona 19… First case in Korea
Confirmed as a group infection in hospital during long-term hospitalization due to cerebral hemorrhage
He died the day after the confirmation. Fever/acute pneumonia symptoms


The first deaths in their 20s from Corona 19 were found to have died of acute pneumonia after being infected inside a hospital.

He died a day after being confirmed without having to move to a dedicated hospital.

Cha Sang-eun is a reporter.


A patient in her mid-20s who was infected with Corona 19 died on the 12th.

This is the first case in Korea where a confirmed patient in his 20s died.

A, who suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage in a traffic accident, has been hospitalized in Busan for over a year.

However, earlier this month, a group infection spread in the hospital, and Mr. A, who came into contact with the confirmed case, was also infected.

Mr. A, who developed acute pneumonia with fever symptoms, died one day after being confirmed.

It seems that there was no time to move to a dedicated hospital for COVID-19 treatment.

[이소라 / 부산시 시민방역추진단장 : 코호트 격리 중에 사망하신 분이 맞습니다. 일단 증상이 발열로 시작돼서 폐렴이 급격히 진행한 것으로 추정하고 있습니다.]

In the hospital where Mr. A was hospitalized, 25 people, including 11 patients, 10 employees, and 4 contacts, have been confirmed since the first confirmed on the 4th.

It has not been determined from whom the infection began.

Currently, the hospital is quarantined in the same group, and no more confirmed cases were found in additional tests.

As hospitalized patients die of COVID-19, the importance of infection control in hospitals is once again being emphasized.

YTN Cha Sang is[[email protected]]is.

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