[전국]Farmers say they want to return the tractors they bought as a wildfire subsidy…why?


Recently, wildfires have followed.

The damage from wildfires is really long and long.

In relation to the wildfire in Goseong, Gangwon-do, which occurred two years ago, the compensation issue is still not resolved.

At the time, the victims protested to return the tractor.

Reporter Ji-hwan reported on what was going on.


Dozens of tractors have been built in the Gangwon-do Office Square.

This tractor was purchased with support from the government and local governments after the wildfire in Goseong, Gangwon-do, which occurred two years ago.

Farmers decided to return the tractor in kind as a protest against the government’s policy to claim compensation for wildfire damage.

Here is the story.

In April 2019, a forest fire in Goseong, Gangwon-do, where over 1,500 victims occurred.

At the time, the government immediately paid compensation to the victims.

The total scale is around 30 billion won.

However, through a police investigation, it was revealed that the cause of the forest fire was KEPCO, and the government decided to claim the right to remedy KEPCO.

Then, KEPCO has set a policy to pay only the remaining amount as compensation after subtracting the claim for indemnity rights.

In this way, the victims will hardly receive compensation from KEPCO.

[노장현 /고성산불피해 비상대책위원장 : 소송이 전개되면 일단 소송 기간이 엄청 길어지기 때문에 저희가 벌써 2년이 지났지 않습니까? 그러면 우리 피해 주민은 배상금이 문제가 아니라 그 이전에 압살당한다.]

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security has stated that, in view of other social disaster cases, lawsuits for claims for reimbursement are inevitable.

While Gangwon-do repeatedly requested the government to reconsider its policy of claiming reimbursement rights, victims visited the headquarters of KEPCO sooner or later and announced a hard-line struggle such as hunger strikes.

YTN Jihwan[[email protected]]is.

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