[전국]Face-to-face worship is enforced and ordered to close the church to the world…”I will sue”


As soon as a large church in Busan that violated the quarantine regulations and held a face-to-face service, once again received an order to stop operation, a face-to-face morning service was held again.

The local government in charge immediately ordered the church to be closed, and the church entered the proceedings with a court decision.

Cha Sang-eun is a reporter.


A paper ordering the closure of the facility was affixed to the main entrance of the church.

This is the Busan Seegero Church that violated the quarantine rules and conducted face-to-face worship with over 1,000 people.

Even after receiving an order to suspend operations from the local government, they did not care about it and held a service in the morning and were eventually closed.

Seero Church immediately entered into legal response.

A press conference was held with a Protestant group that supports face-to-face worship and filed a request for temporary injunction to the court to suspend the executive order.

[손현보 / 부산 세계로교회 담임목사 : 법원 판단을 통해서 한국 교회의 예배 회복이 일어나기를 기대하고 오늘 일을 진행하고 소장을 접수하게 됐습니다.]

Seero Church insists that the quarantine rules are against equity.

It’s not fair to allow restaurants to operate, but to ban worship services held in masks from 2 meters away.

It is similar to the claims of some self-employed people asking for permission to resume business, saying they are threatened with their right to live.

The organizers of the press conference argued that the quarantine rule that banned face-to-face worship was political quarantine.

Even in difficult conditions in most of the nation’s religious facilities, some large churches faced head-on while following the quarantine rules well.

The condemnation of public opinion is rising amid the number of confirmed cases centered on religious facilities.

YTN Cha Sang is[[email protected]]is.

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