[전국]Expect to establish a public law organization that inherits the’Mayday Spirit’ for democracy, human rights, and peace!


At the end of last year, after some twists and turns, some amendments to the May 18 Special Law passed the National Assembly, opening the way for the establishment of public law organizations.

As the current May organization is an’incorporated corporation’, there was a limit to its operation, but there is a growing voice that a public law organization that contains the spirit of May and Gwangju should be established.

Reporter Kim Bum-hwan reports.


Some amendments to the May 18 Special Act stipulate the identification of the actual truth, punishment for disproportionation and distortion, and the transformation of the organization in May.

The foundation for the establishment of a public law organization protected by the law was prepared by dismantling the current corporate judicial person.

[이용빈 / 5·18 공법단체화 대표 발의 의원 : 수십 년 동안의 5·18 관련 유공자와 유족들의 숙원이었던 거죠. 이번에 마침내 그 숙제를 푼 건데요. 이번 법안 통과는 다시 말해서 우리 국회가 광주 오월에 대한 사회적 예우를 제대로 보여준 것이라고 생각합니다.]

However, concerns are growing due to noise from the inside surrounding the establishment of public law organizations.

It is because they have different voices as if they are fighting for initiative.

[나명관 / 5·18 기념재단 설립동지회장 : 5·18 민주화운동 정신에 부합하지 않는 파렴치한 전과 전력이 있는 자는 공법단체인 5월 단체의 임원에서 배제해 시민의 공의와 5월 정신에 부합하는 단체로 정립할 것을 주장한다.]

In response, the May 18 Arrested Injury Association refuted that people who had committed illegality and corruption in the past created voluntary organizations to spread rumors of obsceneness.

[문흥식 / (사)5·18 구속부상자회장 : 말없이 응원하는 절대 다수의 회원들만 바라보며 흔들림 없는 소신으로 가장 민주적인 공법단체를 만들어 5월 항쟁 정신을 계승·발전시켜 나가겠습니다.]

We look forward to the creation of a 5·18 public law organization that has been recognized by all citizens beyond Gwangju after clearing the path of establishment of public law organizations, divisions and conflicts that have been opened in 40 years with the efforts of the 5·18 official three organizations.

YTN Kim Bum-hwan[[email protected]]is.

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