[전국]Even in the western sea of ​​the metropolitan area, seaweed Western food…”It tastes good and smells good!”


As the production of laver in the southern regions decreases due to climate change, the central region is emerging as a new laver production area.

Nori is also produced in the seas of the metropolitan area, but the production is increasing and it is said to be popular because it tastes better than anything else.

Reporter Kim Hak-moo’s report.


Long black bands are clearly floating in the sea where the cold winter breeze still remains.

It is a farm that produces laver.

As the boat passes, the black feet are lifted to harvest the nori.

This time of year is the laver harvesting season, and even though the day is cold, we don’t know that it is difficult to expect high quality laver production.

[이항선 / 경기 안산시 대부도 어촌계장 : 서해안 갯벌도 있고 조수간만의 차이도 많고 밀물 썰물이 많으니까 김이 더 맛있고 향도 많이 나는 것 같습니다.]

The water laver from the sea is transferred to a processing plant, and after drying and seasoning, it can be placed on the table.

The Ansan Daebu is also less well known since it has not been produced for a long time, but its taste is good and consumption is gradually increasing.

[송선영 / 경기도 시흥시 : 사실 대부도에서 김이 나는 줄 몰랐거든요. 그런데 한번 먹어보니까 고소하고 품질도 좋아서 계속 대부 김만 찾게 되는 것 같아요.]

The local laver production has doubled from 2015, and last year’s sales exceeded 26 billion won.

Due to climate change, the harvest of laver in the Jeollanam-do region is gradually sluggish, while the production of laver in this region, where the water temperature is low, is increasing.

[윤화섭 / 안산시장 : 서해의 청정해역에서 자란 대부 김을 활용한 대부 빵, 대부 김부각 등 다양한 안산만의 브랜드를 개발하겠습니다.]

It seems that the day will not be too far when high-quality laver produced in the West Sea of ​​Gyeonggi Province is processed in a variety of ways and will spread all over the country, centering on the metropolitan area.

YTN Kim Hak-Moo[[email protected]]is.

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