[전국]Corona 19 overcome by simply putting it in the nose?…”Strong response to false advertising”

Silicone material’nose ring’… “Medical effect when put in the nose”
Company “If you wear it, it prevents viruses and fine dust such as Corona 19”
Industrial products that are not medical devices… Company “Supply of military and police, export to overseas”
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety judges that there is no scientific basis… Applicable company police accusation


Would you believe if you could stop Corona 19 by simply putting silicone on your nose instead of covering your nose and mouth with a mask?

The presence of such a product is attracting attention, but the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety reported that there was no scientific basis and filed a complaint with the police.

This is Kim Min-seong.


It is a product named’Nose Gori’.

It is a horseshoe-shaped silicone, and is an industrial product, not a medical device.

However, the company has advertised that the product can be placed on both sides of the nostril to obtain medical benefits.

You can breathe purified air just by wearing it, and it blocks viruses including Corona 19, as well as fine dust and harmful electromagnetic waves.

It claims that it has been distributed to the Korean police and military units as well as overseas such as Mexico, China, and the United States.

It is currently sold at a special discount price of 50,000 won.

[‘코고리’ 판매 업체 대표 : 우리나라 바이러스 20여 종 있고, 전 세계 바이러스가 200여 종이 넘어요. 그리고 계속 변종이 돼. 어떤 바이러스든지 다 박멸해요. 현대 의학에서는 이걸 아는 사람이 없어요. 연구한 사람도 없고 인증 기관도 없고.]

However, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety recently accused the company of violating the Medical Device Act to the police because there was no scientific basis.

If it is effective as a medical device, it must be approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, but it was not followed.

[정재호 / 식약처 의료기기관리과장 : 공산품인 코고리의 경우에는 의료기기가 아닌데 의료기기와 유사한 성능이나 효능·효과가 있는 것으로 잘못 인식할 우려가 있는 광고를 했습니다.]

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced that it will continue to inspect illegal distribution of foods and drugs through false and hype advertisements in such a way that it is effective against Corona 19 and respond strongly.

YTN Minsung Kim[[email protected]]is.

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