[전국]”Comprehensive inspection of residents near the bathhouse”…Shipyard employee infections


The trend is spreading mainly in Gyeongnam Jinju baths and Geoje entertainment establishments.

Jinju City had citizens and market merchants around the bathhouse undergo diagnostic tests.

In Geoje, even a large shipyard employee was diagnosed with an emergency.

Reporter Oh Tae-in on the report.


Temporary screening clinic provided in the Administrative Welfare Center

Long lines lined up even in the early morning.

As the infection related to the Jinju baths continued, a recommendation was made by citizens and market merchants around the baths to undergo diagnostic tests.

[이은주 / 경남 진주시 상대동 : 혹시나 제가 무증상자로서 다른 사람에게 전파 가능성이 있을까 해서 검사받으러 왔습니다.]

After the first confirmed case on the 10th, the cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeded 190.

The virus has spread to Daegu as well as neighboring cities such as Hapcheon and Changwon.

It was investigated that some of the confirmed patients visited the public baths even though they were aware of the abnormal symptoms, leading to group infection.

[신종우 / 경상남도 복지보건국장 : 타 시군으로 동선이 이어지거나 타 시군에서 진주로 방문한 경우 충분히 (확산) 가능성이 있습니다. 이점에 유념해 주시고….]

In Geoje, the number of cumulative confirmed cases exceeded 50 due to repeated serial infections related to entertainment establishments.

Among the confirmed cases, 13 employees at large shipyards were also included.

The operation did not stop right now, but we have tried to block it in case it could lead to further infection.

[조선소 관계자 : 코로나 대응팀과 보건소 역학 조사관이 협조해 확진자 동선 파악, 검사자 분류 등 확산 방지를 위해 신속히 대응하고 있습니다.]

The quarantine authorities have stressed that it is paramount that people with abnormal symptoms get tested quickly to minimize further spread.

YTN Oh Tae-in[[email protected]]is.

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