[전국]Church infestation that does not stop…Super rainfall of’facility closure’

Prevention of quarantine authorities announced strong response such as’facility closure’
Some Protestant Rebellion against “Church Closing Law”


With more than 1,000 new coronavirus confirmed cases, church-initiated group infections are not stopping all over the country.

The quarantine authorities warned that if the quarantine rules were not followed according to the revised’Infectious Disease Prevention Act’, the facility would close.

Reporter Heo Seong-joon reports.


It is a church in Birae-dong, Daejeon.

As pastors, family members, and church members were additionally confirmed, the cumulative number of confirmed cases increased to 9 in two days.

In addition, 5 and 2 people were infected at Songchon-dong and Jijok-dong churches, respectively, and more than 20 people were confirmed in the Daejeon local church alone.

The quarantine authorities are confirming the facts and securing statements that these churches held Christmas and weekend services.

[정해교 / 대전시 보건복지국장 : 이런 비협조적인 행위들이 결과론적으로는 우리 방역에 대한 도전이고, 정말 어렵게 하루하루를 버티는 시민들을 보면 해서는 안 되는 일을 하는 것 아닌가 이런 생각이 듭니다.]

As church-initiated mass infections followed, the quarantine authorities announced a strong response.

Based on the revised’Infectious Disease Prevention Method’, which takes effect from the 30th, it is a policy to’close the facility’ if the quarantine regulations are not followed.

If the revised law does not comply with the quarantine guidelines, such as wearing a mask, the place or facility may be closed or suspended for up to three months.

At the moment, Daegu City decided to close Church A, which held a face-to-face service last weekend, from the 31st.

This church has been prosecuted 16 times this year, but it was investigated that it continued to ignore the quarantine authorities’ demands for compliance.

[대구시 관계자 : 방역 수칙을 위반하면 저희가 그동안 할 수 있는 게 집합 금지와 고발, 벌금을 내게 하는 것밖에 없었거든요. 법이 시행되자마자 최고로 강한 조치를 하려고 합니다. 위험하다고 판단했기 때문에 (시설 폐쇄를) 하는 겁니다.]

However, some Protestant circles are protesting it as the’Church Closing Law’.

Most of them argued that the revised law was no different from’the repression of churches that lost fairness and equity’, saying that most churches comply with the quarantine rules.

YTN Heo Seong-jun[[email protected]]is.

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