[전국]Busan Seegero Church ordered to close, conduct face-to-face worship


The Busan Seegero Church, which was ordered to close the church, held a face-to-face worship service on Sunday.

The church side said it had followed the quarantine rules thoroughly, but the ward office said it would be violating the current law and would take strong action.

Reporter Son Jae-ho reports.


A chapel was opened in the outdoor plaza of the Busan Seegero Church.

At the entrance, the congregation was settled through listings, fever checks, and disinfectant spraying.

Over 200 believers attended the service through prior application.

The church is still in the position that the ban on face-to-face worship by the quarantine authorities is unfair.

[손현보 목사 / 부산 세계로교회 : 예배는 교회의 생명이자 심장이다. 헌법상 보장되는 본질적인 기본권이다. 그래서 예배는 계속할 수밖에 없다.]

He added that face-to-face worship can be stopped if the quarantine authorities provide evidence that normal Sunday worship is the cause of the spread of Corona 19.

Local people protested during the worship service, but there was no conflict between the two sides.

[지역 주민 : 마을 사람들의 건강과 안전을 교회가 책일 질 수 있나? 이렇게 (예배를) 하는데.]

The jurisdiction of the Gangseo-gu Office in Busan said that the church has thoroughly quarantined the quarantine, but believes that it violated the rules prohibiting outdoor gatherings of 50 or more and non-face-to-face worship.

It also said that it will take strong measures, such as prosecuting the police for any illegal matters revealed through on-site inspection.

YTN Son Jaeho[[email protected]]is.

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