[전국]Busan mayoral candidate’s last relay all-out war… “I am the right person for the mayor”


The Busan Mayor’s by-election is now one day ahead.

In addition, Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun and People’s Strength candidate Park Hyeong-jun both worked hard to hold the vote until the last minute.

This is reporter Oh Tae-in.


Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun held an inauguration ceremony in Busan Song Sang-hyun Square.

During the Japanese invasion of the Imjin War, he made a determination by emphasizing the spirit of General Song Sang-hyun against the Japanese enemy.

In the last parade campaign around Busan, he appealed for one vote, saying that this election is an election for residents in Busan.

[김영춘 / 더불어민주당 부산시장 후보 : 이 보선은 이 위기의 부산 시민들이 살기 힘들어서 아우성치는 이 부산의 살림꾼을 뽑는 선거입니다. 부산시장을 뽑는 선거입니다.]

In addition, the Democratic Party also held a general meeting of lawmakers in Busan, asking for a strong ruling party candidate for regional development, and started supporting at the last minute.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 대표 직무대행 : 더불어민주당은 부산 부활 프로젝트와 YC노믹스의 성공에 집권여당의 역량을 집중해서 지원하겠습니다.]

Candidate Hyeong-Jun Park, the power of the people to confront this, similarly made a campaign throughout Busan.

The citizens of Busan joined hands as they traveled everywhere in Busan, regardless of the distance from the traditional market.

Candidate Park emphasized again to judge the regime through voting.

[박형준 / 국민의힘 부산시장 후보 : 여러분들이 이 실정과 오만 위선 무능을 내일 한 표로 반드시 심판해 주시기 바랍니다.]

The Power of the People A member of the National Assembly in Busan gathered the last generation, saying that they will continue to promote the new airport on the planned site of the new airport on Gadeok Island.

[하태경 / 국민의힘 의원 : 가덕신공항을 빨리 조기에 착수하고 조기에 완공해서 방해 세력을 다 조기에 정리해서 할 수 있도록 할 테니까….]

The Busan Mayor’s by-election is heading towards the final point with the start of the official campaign on the 25th of last month.

As both the ruling and opposition candidates said that they did their best, only the choice of where the public sentiment of Busan citizens will go remains.

YTN Oh Tae-in[[email protected]]is.

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