[전국]Asan boiler plant group infection spreads to local communities…


As infections related to the cricket boiler manufacturing plant in Asan, Chungcheongnam-do have been sporadic, the cumulative number of confirmed cases is approaching 160.

The infection spread through family gatherings as employees moved around the Lunar New Year holiday, and the infection in the community became a reality.

We will connect reporters to find out more about the news. Reporter Lee Seong-woo!

The spread of group infection in the Asan plant of the cricket boiler continues, right?


Yes, the number of cumulative confirmed cases related to the Asan plant of the cricket boiler is close to 160.

Family members and acquaintances in their hometowns that the employees of this factory contacted during the Lunar New Year holidays are receiving positive tests one after another.

Infected people are emerging from Daegu, Gyeongbuk and Gangwon-do, Daejeon, Busan, and Sejong.

In Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do, two additional confirmed cases related to the Asan plant occurred today.

Community infections that the quarantine authorities were concerned about became a reality.

The problem is that we can’t predict how far the’nth infection’ chain will spread.

Asan City, Chungnam, is managing 260 self-quarantine personnel in connection with this group infection on a one-to-one basis with dedicated public officials.

In addition, as more than 20 foreigners were identified among the confirmed cases, temporary screening clinics were installed and operated in the offices of three industrial complexes in the region.


Community infections continue in other regions as well?


That’s right. There are sporadic cases of confirmed cases related to the duck processing plant in Jincheon, North Chungcheong Province.

Just one day yesterday, close to 20 people were confirmed in Chungbuk, of which 6 were confirmed related to a duck processing plant.

In Cheongju, six additional people were confirmed in connection with an auto parts company that had a group infection this morning.

As a result, the number of confirmed cases related to this company has increased to 11 since the 17th.

In Boeun, four foreign workers were tested positive at a machine parts factory, and it was confirmed that all of them had been using the same dormitory as the first confirmed person.

In Gwangju, three additional corona confirmed cases occurred at Samsung Electronics’ Gwangju business site, a large business site.

The infection was confirmed in a group examination, and these are co-workers of the confirmed person who tested positive one day earlier.

As the corona test has not yet finished, there is a possibility that additional confirmed cases remain.

In Jeonnam, there are confirmed cases from various cities and counties.

According to Jeollanam-do, there were 59 confirmed cases in the region as of February this year, but the number of confirmed cases has rapidly increased to 43 since the Lunar New Year holiday.

As confirmed cases occur in various places like this, the quarantine authorities are making every effort to prevent the spread of the infection into the community.

YTN Lee Seong-woo in the national department so far[[email protected]]is.

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