[전국]About 140,000 people visit Jeju during the Lunar New Year holidays…”Please refrain from visiting hometown and traveling”


It is expected that over 140,000 tourists and returnees will visit Jeju during this Lunar New Year holiday.

Jeju Island is working on special quarantine measures, seeing that this holiday season will be a major milestone in the spread of coronavirus.

Along with refraining from travel, we advised you to undergo a pre-examination if necessary.

Reporter Yoo Jong-min.


The arrival waiting room at Jeju Airport is crowded with people.

The number of users who fell to 10,000 a day due to the corona effect has recently recovered to the 20,000 level.

In particular, it is expected that 143,000 people will visit during the Lunar New Year holidays as returnees and tourists flock.

While Jeju Island entered an emergency system, it was recommended to refrain from visiting hometowns and traveling.

[원희룡 / 제주도지사 : 이번 설에는 비대면으로 안부를 전하는 것이 사랑하는 부모님의 안전과 가족의 건강을 지키는 일입니다. 아울러 제주를 진정으로 아끼신다면 설 연휴 제주 여행은 잠시 미뤄주시기를 간곡히 부탁드립니다.]

If it is unavoidable to visit Jeju, it is recommended to undergo a corona diagnostic test within 3 days before the entrance.

In addition, if a fever or corona symptoms occurred during the stay, he was also asked to cancel the schedule and visit the nearest screening clinic.

In the event of a problem attributable to the person, such as failure to comply with the quarantine regulations, we are prepared to respond strongly.

[이중환 / 제주도 총괄조정관 : 미 검사자가 제주에서 확진돼 방역 당국에 막대한 피해를 주는 귀책사유가 발생할 시 구상권을 청구하는 엄정 대처하겠습니다.]

Jeju Island has further strengthened its quarantine system at airports and ports.

In addition, we plan to operate screening clinics in preparation for the outbreak of confirmed cases and group infections, and conduct special quarantine activities for intensive management facilities and religious facilities.

YTN Yoo Jong-min[[email protected]]is.

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