[전국]7 billion’gulp’ with fake stock program…


As the stock market hits all-time highs every day, the investment craze is blowing.

In the wake of this boom, a party who intercepted the investment of 70 billion won from thousands of individual investors with a fake stock program was caught by the police.

Reporter Park Jong-hyuk reports.


This is a conversation between a stock investor and an employee of a disguised investment company.

[주식 투자 피해자 : 많이 하고 적게 하고 상관없는 거죠? (어차피 중요한 건 10배 받아서 사용하시는 거라서 소액으로 시작해 보시다가)]

It induces so-called’leverage’ investment, saying that it gives you a loan so that you can buy and sell stock at 10 times the investment amount.

After setting up the company’s stock trading program, investors deposited their investments into corporate accounts.

I thought I had a normal stock trade.

No transaction was actually made.

Investors were tricked into saying that it was a program linked to a specific securities company.

[주식 투자 피해자 : 근데 oo 증권과 연계되어있는 거 맞아요? (아예 그럼요.)]

However, the investment was already withdrawn through the company’s corporate account, and the investor’s transaction amount was only visible in the program.

I was scammed by a fake stock trading program created by a business.

[주식 투자 피해자 : 거래 의심을 할 수가 없었어요. 단톡방이 있었는데요. 매일 수익 인증 올리는 사람도 있었고, (다른 증권사 프로그램하고 봤더니) 똑같이 올라갔다 내려갔다 호가창이 같이 가더라고요.]

About 3,800 victims alone, a whopping 72.2 billion won, were scammed.

Some investors have suffered damage from hundreds of thousands of won to hundreds of millions of won, or even 1.9 billion won.

[홍승우 / 경남경찰청 반부패·경제범죄수사계장 : (개인적으로 연락해서) 주식 투자를 권유하거나증권사에서 개별적으로 개설되는 투자금 입금 계좌가 아닌 법인 계좌를 통해 투자금 입금을 권유하는 경우에는 투자 사기를 의심해보셔야 합니다.]

The police arrested 12 people on charges of fraud and arrested 39 people, including counselors.

In addition, if investment fraud was suspected, it was requested to check whether it is an unlicensed investment company using the financial consumer information portal.

YTN Park Jong-hyuk[[email protected]]is.

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