[전국]2 weeks of distance instead of step 3…Government,’the last hurdle’

2.5 steps in the metropolitan area and 2 steps in the non-metropolitan area
‘Prohibition of meetings with more than 5 people’ in all places nationwide
If the number of people is limited to 9, it is possible to operate academies and classrooms in the metropolitan area.


The social distancing measures in the 2.5th stage of the metropolitan area and the 2nd stage of the non-metropolitan area, which were originally until yesterday (the 3rd), have been extended by two more weeks from today (4th).

Some restrictions have been relaxed in winter sports facilities such as ski resorts, but the ban on all private gatherings with more than 5 people has been expanded and strengthened nationwide.

Reporter Ji-hwan.


The government has decided to continue the social distancing measures, which are the 2.5th stage in the metropolitan area and the second stage in the non-metropolitan area, for another two weeks until the 17th.

In particular, the’prohibition of all private gatherings with more than 5 people’, which was applied only to the metropolitan area, will be expanded nationwide.

Club meetings with more than 5 people, workplace dinners, and New Year’s parties are completely prohibited regardless of location and location.

For accommodation facilities such as hotels, reservations are limited to two-thirds of the number of rooms.

This is a measure to stop the spread of infection and to stabilize the situation until vaccination begins.

[권덕철 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 1차장 : 이번이 마지막 고비라고 생각합니다. 이번 고비를 잘 넘기면 예방접종과 치료제를 활용하여 소중한 일상을 조금씩 회복하는 단계로 진입할 수 있을 것입니다.]

The quarantine regulation is somewhat relaxed or strengthened according to the characteristics of the facility.

If the number of people is limited to 9 during the same time period, academies and training centers in the metropolitan area are allowed to operate.

Winter sports facilities such as ski resorts can also be opened on condition that the number of people is reduced to one-third and closed after 9pm.

On the other hand, the operation of a closed outdoor screen golf course was prohibited.

Convenience facilities and community center courses in non-metropolitan apartment complexes cannot be opened.

[김 윤 / 서울대 의대 의료관리학 교수 : 확진자 수를 유지하는 상태에서 거리 두기를 부분적으로 강화해서 확진자 수를 효과적으로 꺾는 방식을 택하는 게 더 맞다고 생각합니다.]

As the government chooses to extend the existing distance instead of a three-step upgrade in consideration of the economic shock and damage to people’s livelihood, it is noteworthy whether the spread of infection nationwide will be caught in the new year.

YTN Jihwan[[email protected]]is.

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