[전국][현장영상] Seoul “Investment of 1 trillion KRW of emergency funds for small businesses”


Even before the Lunar New Year holiday, the increase in Corona 19 has not been caught, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government is announcing measures for the public welfare economy.

We provide 1.5 trillion won in emergency loans for small businessmen who were hit by the Corona 19 direct hit.

I will go to the Seoul briefing site.

[서정협 / 서울시장 권한대행]

Before Lunar New Year, Seoul puts a total of KRW 1.48852 billion to operate the five warmth measures for the public welfare economy. It is the second economic measure for people’s livelihood, following a low interest loan of 800 billion won earlier this year. We will open a spring of hope through the harsh winter by infusing direct warmth to the places where support is most desperate.

With limited financial resources, the first, the most, and the deepest inflicted distance from the corona disaster was directly focused on selective support for affected industries and vulnerable groups, and supplementation of government-supported blind spots.

First, an additional KRW 1 trillion in emergency funding for small business owners will be invested so that small business owners and self-employed people struggling day by day for survival will not collapse at the edge of the cliff.

We will support low-interest loans of up to 20 million won without thicker screening, not only for industries that have been damaged by the prohibition of gatherings and business restrictions, but also for tourism, performance, art industry, and small businessmen who have suffered a direct hit from Corona 19.

The demand from the field is so urgent that 800 billion won, which started in January of this year, will be exhausted in one month. The city of Seoul will provide support with an emphasis on promptness to relieve the burden of immediate fixed costs such as rental and labor costs.

As of the end of January, nearly 20,000 people were supported, and about 50,000 people are expected to receive additional benefits. Second, the establishment is difficult, but the workers are also difficult.

To prevent unpaid leave from leading to unemployment, the Seoul Metropolitan Government provides support for 10,000 people with ongoing demands and demands from the field. We will invest a total of 15 billion won and support up to 1.5 million won over 3 months.

If we provided 1 million won for two months through government spending and increased supplements last year, we used the disaster fund to support 100% fertilization and increased the amount of support per individual. We will provide timely support based on pre-payment and post-verification as a rule.

Those who are eligible for support will be given priority to workers in affected industries that are subject to collective prohibition, but the beneficiaries of last year’s employment maintenance support will be included to provide benefits to those in need. Third, we have prepared separate emergency support measures for the tourism, performing arts, and arts industries that are concerned about the collapse of the ecosystem beyond the deadly crisis.

First of all, in the tourism industry, which is in crisis of desperate despair due to the coronavirus, in addition to loan support and employment maintenance support, we will pay 1 million won per company in cash in emergency survival funds in March.

Small businesses with five or more employees are excluded from the government’s third disaster subsidy, but it is not an exaggeration to say that all businesses in the tourism industry are virtually closed.

Seoul City will invest a total of 1.5 billion won to support a total of 1,500 companies, including the travel business, hotel business, and international conference business, with more than 5 people, to fill the blind spot of government support. As exhibitions and performances are canceled, we provide early support of 9.6 billion won for the performing arts and performing arts world, which is facing an unprecedented crisis.

We donate 7.5 billion won to help the festival-related projects and the performance industry in crisis, and we invest 2.1 billion won so that festivals that fit the corona situation such as non-face-to-face performances can be held, and artists can continue their creative activities.

All of them are advancing the schedule scheduled after April, so we will receive applications during this month and apply sequentially from March. Fourth, we will issue a 10% discounted Seoul Love Gift Certificate for 400 billion won from tomorrow in order to promote consumption during the holiday season when the end of the year has disappeared.

The original quarterly issuance plan was completely revised, and about half of the total issuance planned this year was issued early before the establishment. We look forward to dissolving the frozen consumer sentiment this year and invigorating the alley business district.

Fifth, public security jobs are provided to 6378 people in the first half of the year alone, to the underprivileged, such as the unemployed, the unemployed, the disabled, and the homeless. A total of KRW 59.1 billion will be invested in early execution of 70% of all safe jobs this year.

In addition to quarantine and safety management, we will discover jobs in future fields such as digital and green new deals, so that we can achieve the effect of simultaneously expanding the employment safety net and social services for the vulnerable. Until the end, the city of Seoul will take responsibility for the management of vaccines, vaccinations, and adverse reactions afterwards, so that vaccinations of 10 million citizens can be successfully promoted without disruption.

The vaccination period is planned to start from the end of February as early as possible, and 70% of citizens, led by medical staff, will be completed before November. Regarding the vaccination location, we will do our best to ensure that citizens can receive vaccinations quickly and safely in the immediate vicinity.

As much space is needed to equip related facilities, a total of 30 vaccination centers are installed and operated at least one per autonomous district using sports facilities, etc. We will select 3,500 consigned medical institutions with experience in national vaccinations so that they can be vaccinated at medical institutions near our home.

We will organize and operate a private joint rapid response team to monitor adverse reactions even after vaccination, and operate a dedicated call center to guide vaccinations as well as carefully examine the convenience of citizens to relieve citizens’ anxiety.

We will actively cooperate with the private sector in the entire process of vaccination, which is to be launched in earnest, including securing medical personnel, which is the biggest issue. The first meeting was held yesterday with the Seoul Medical Association, the Seoul Hospital Association, the Seoul Time Guards Association, and the Seoul Police Agency, and the intention of cooperation in the future was gathered.

Our constant New Year’s wishes are overcoming Corona. Although the five measures announced today are not sufficient to solve the grievances in the field, we will do our best to provide a prescription to give new flesh to the wounds deep in the public economy.

We will continue to consider additional measures in cooperation with the government. In addition, we will prepare without disruption so that a new path of hope of vaccination can be secured and lead to daily recovery. Fellow citizens, the infectious disease disaster crisis is not over until the end.

And this Lunar New Year holiday will be another test. I urge you to refrain from visiting our hometown and visiting the graves, as well as meetings and gatherings with families so that our daily lives, which are a little farther away from us now, and the economy of people’s livelihoods can find their place sooner.

Thank you.

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